- If the Primary Procedure has any related records of the type chosen, they will be listed under Related Procedure under Related (Procedure Name)
- If the Primary Procedure has any related records of the type chosen, the number of related records will be listed as Related (Procedure Name): #
- If the Primary Procedure has no related records of the type chosen, the number will be listed as Related (Procedure Name): 0
Test 3: Dismissing the dialog
- Actions:
- Continue from Test 3 or go to the secondary tab appropriate to your QA assignment by following Test 1
- Click the Relate Existing button
- Click the Search button at the bottom right
- A list of all Procedural records of that typewill be returned
- Select the check boxes to the left of the Reference Number for at least two records
- Click the Relate Existing Selected button
- Expected:
- The dialog should be dismissed
- All the newly added records should be listed in the Related Records list, near the top of the screen(Procedure Name) list
- In the Related Procedures area of menu in the right sidebar on the right side of the page, the newly added records should also be properly displayed
- Actions:
- Click the identification number of one of the added records on the Related Record list, near the top of the screenthe Related (Procedure Name) list
- Expected:
- An Edit Acquisition Record form should be displayed underneath the listing, filled out with data from the selected Acquisition record
- The data entry form for the selected Procedural Record should be displayed under the Related (Procedure Name) list
- Actions
- Click another identification number from the list
- Expected:
- The Edit Acquisition Record data entry form should be updated to correspond to the new record you clicked
Test 7: Warning
When Navigating Away From New Procedural Record
- Actions:
- Go to the Acquisition tab of any recordsecondary tab appropriate to your QA assignment
- Click the + Add Record buttonClick the Create New button
- Expected:
- Dialog should be dismissed
- In the listing of records, a new line should appear on top of the list with a text similar to "New Related Record"
- An empty Acquisition record A New Related (Procedure Name) header will appear under the Related (Procedure Name) list
- An empty (Procedure Name) data entry form should be displayed below the listing of recordsthe Related (Procedure Name) list
- Actions:
- Fill in at least the Acquisition Reference Number field
- Click any link/item to navigate away from the current page.
- variation A: In the appearing dialog warning you to navigate away click close button
- variation B: In the appearing dialog warning you to navigate away click cancel button
- variation C: In the dialog, click Save.
- variation D: In the dialog, click Don't Save
- Expected
- A+B: Dialog should be dismissed
- C+D: You should be navigated to the page link you clicked
- C: The record should be saved.. You can check this by searching for the record, or look at the Find and Edit page D: The record should not be saved.. You can check this by searching for the record, or look at the Find and Edit pageExpected:
- A dialog should appear, warning that you are leaving a page with unsaved changes
- Actions:
- Variation I: click Don't Leave button
- Variation II: click Save and Continue button
- Variation III: click the Revert and Continue button (i.e. Don't Save)
- Variation IV: click the close symbol in the top right corner
- Expected:
- on (I) and (IV): Dialog should be dismissed without any changes (no saves or redirects)
- on (II): Changes to Procedural record should be saved and user redirected to expected page. Check whether saved by navigating back to the record.
- on (III): Changes to Procedural record should not be saved and user should be redirected to the expected page. Check whether saved by navigating back to the record.
Test 9: Cancel changes button
- Actions:
- Go to the Acquisition tab of any recordthe secondary tab appropriate to your QA assignment
- Click the "+ Add Record" button + Create New button
- Click the Cancel button on the right side of the New (Procedure Name) Record header
- Expected:
- The empty data entry form will disappear
- Actions:
- Click the
- + Create New
- button
- Variation A: Click
- Revert button at the top of the page
- Variation B: Click
- Revert button at the bottom of the page
- Expected:
- Cancel changes Revert buttons should be disabled and nothing should happen
- Actions:
- Edit at least one field in the blank data entry form
- Variation A: Click
- Revert button at the top of the page
- Variation B: Click
- Revert button at the bottom of the page
- Expected:
- Cancel Revertchanges button should be active
- Related record should be reverted to before changes were made
- Actions:
- Enter an Acquisition any value into the Reference Number field
- Click the Save button
- Variation A: After successful save, click the Cancel changes Revert button at the top of the page
- Variation B: After successful save, click the Cancel changes the Revert button at the bottom of the page
- Expected:
- Cancel changes button Revertbuttons should be disabled and nothing should happen
Listing and
Test 21: Listing displays correct fields
- Actions:
- Continue from last test
- Take a note of the timestamp of the last save
- Expected:
- In the Procedures section of the right sidebar, the entry of the newly created record should be displayed with: ID Number, Record Type and Last Edit Date
Test 23: Testing Links and "Go To Record" works
- Actions:
- Continue from last test
- Make sure you are on the Acquisition secondary tab appropriate to your QA test
- Click the ID Identification Number of a record in the list of related records
- Expected:
- The record data entry form for the record you clicked should be shown below
- Actions:
- Click the "Go To Record" Open link, above the Acquisition formin the Related (Procedure Name) header
- Expected:
- You should be redirected to the Acquisition Procedural record, which should now be displayed in the Primary tab, with the field values intact
Test 25: Deleting Relation via List
- Actions:
- Via the MyCollectionSpace page, go to Continue from Test 5 or start via a record that has an Acquisition related to it by clicking its identification/entry number
- Click the Acquisition tab
- Click the green "x" (delete button) next to an object in the related records list at the top of the pagerecords of the type appropriate to your QA test
- Go to the seconday tab appropriate to your QA test
- Select the checkbox to the left of the identification number for at least one related record
- Select the Unrelate button
- Expected:
- A dialog should appear asking you to delete this relation
- Actions:
- Click cancel.
- Expected
- Dialog should be dismissed
- no other changes should occur.
- Actions:
- Click the green "x" (delete button) button again
- Actions:
- Click the close symbol
- Expected
- Dialog should be dismissed
- No other changes should occur.
- Actions:
- Click the green "x" (delete button) again
- In the appearing dialog, click Delete
- Expected:
- The removed record should neither be shown in the Procedures section of the right sidebar nor in the main "Related Acquisition Records" area
- Actions:
- Using the top right search area, select Acquisition from the drop down and enter the identification number of the deleted object relation
- Expected:
- The deleted object relation should be found but no longer related to the original record.
Test 27: Deleting
Relation Via Record Editor
- Actions:
- Via the MyCollectionSpace page, go to Continue from Test 5 or start via a record that has an Acquisition related to it by clicking its identification/entry number
- Click the Acquisition tab and select an object by clicking its Acquisition reference number
- Take note of the Acquisition reference number of the record
- Click the "Delete Relation" button at the top right of the recordrecords of the type appropriate to your QA test
- Go to the seconday tab appropriate to your QA test
- Select any record from the Related (Procedure Name) list
- Select the Unrelate button on the right side of the Related (Procedure Name) header
- Expected:
- A dialog should appear asking you to confirm removing relationship
- Actions:
- click cancel.
- Expected
- Dialog should be dismissed
- no other changes should occur.
- Actions:
- Click the "Delete Relation" button again
- Actions:
- click the close symbol at the top right
- Expected
- Dialog should be dismissed
- no other changes should occur.
- Actions:
- Click the "Delete Relation" button again
- In the appearing dialog, click Delete
- Expected:
- The record editor should no longer be displayed (below list)
- The deleted relation should not be shown in the Procedures section of the right sidebar
- Actions:
- Using the top right search area, select Acquisition from the drop down and enter the Acquisition reference number of the deleted object relation
- Expected:
- The deleted object relation should be found but no longer related to the original record.
Keyboard Accessibility
Test 31: Testing Functional Accessibility
- Actions:
- Using only keyboard do the following
- Go to the Acquisition secondary tab appropriate to your QA test
- Use the "+ Add Create New Acquisition" button to create a new object procedural record
- Tab through the form, to make sure everything is reachable and authorities and dates can be handled using the keyboard
- Save the record
- Make sure the link to the newly created record (in the listing in the top of the page) is reachable by keyboard
- Expected:
- The entire test should be doable using keyboard only
- At all times you should be able to see where focus is
Known bugs: