- Actions:
- Continue from Test 5 or start via a record that has related records of the type appropriate to your QA test
- Go to the seconday tab appropriate to your QA test
- Select the checkbox to the left of the identification number for at least one related record
- Select the Unrelate button
- Expected:
- A dialog should appear asking you to delete this relation"Unrelate the selected record from the primary record?"
- Actions:
- Click cancel.
- Expected
- Dialog should be dismissed
- no other changes should occur.
- Actions:
- Click the green "x" (delete button) button again
- Actions:
- Click the close symbol
- Expected
- Dialog should be dismissed
- No other changes should occur.
- Actions:
- Click the green "x" (delete button) again
- In the appearing dialog, click Delete
- Expected:
- The removed record should neither be shown in the Procedures section of the right sidebar nor in the main "Related Acquisition Records" area
- Actions:
- Using the top right search area, select Acquisition from the drop down and enter the identification number of the deleted object relation
- Expected:
- The deleted object relation should be found but no longer related to the original record.
- Variation I: click Cancel button
- Variation II: click close symbol in the top right corner
- Variation III: click the Unrelate button
- Expected:
- on (I) and (II): Dialog should be dismissed without any changes (no saves or redirects)
- on (III): Related record should be removed from the listing
Test 27: Deleting Relation Via Record Editor
- Actions:
- Continue from Test 5 or start via a record that has related records of the type appropriate to your QA test
- Go to the seconday tab appropriate to your QA test
- Select any record from the Related (Procedure Name) list
- Select the Unrelate button on the right side of the Related (Procedure Name) header
- Expected:
- A dialog should appear asking you to confirm removing relationship"Unrelate (Record ID) from the primary record?"
- Actions:Expected:The deleted object relation should be found but no longer related to the original record.
- click cancel.
- Expected
- Dialog should be dismissed
- no other changes should occur.
- Actions:
- Click the "Delete Relation" button again
- Actions:
- click the close symbol at the top right
- Expected
- Dialog should be dismissed
- no other changes should occur.
- Actions:
- Click the "Delete Relation" button again
- In the appearing dialog, click Delete
- Expected:
- The record editor should no longer be displayed (below list)
- The deleted relation should not be shown in the Procedures section of the right sidebar
- Actions:
- Using the top right search area, select Acquisition from the drop down and enter the Acquisition reference number of the deleted object relation
- Variation I: click Cancel button
- Variation II: click close symbol in the top right corner
- Variation III: click the Unrelate button
- Expected:
- on (I) and (II): Dialog should be dismissed without any changes (no saves or redirects)
- on (III): Related record should be removed from the listing
Keyboard Accessibility
Test 31: Testing Functional Accessibility