Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

titleOn this page
Table of Contents


Test 6: Attempting to delete an in-use term


  • Actions:
    1. Create a new Intake record
    2. Fill in at least the Entry Number
    3. Select In Person as the Entry Method in the dropdown
    4. Save the record
    5. Return to Administraton > Term Lists
    6. Click on Entry Method in the left hand column
  • Expected:
    • The Used By area should read Intake > Entry Method
  • Actions
    1. Click the - delete button to the right of In PersonSave the altered term list
  • Expected:
    • An error message should occur that says something like Term List in use - cannot deleteThe - delete button is inactive and cannot be clicked
  • Actions:
    1. Click OK
  • Expected:
    1. No changes should occur.


Test 8: Keyboard accessibility


Please note: If testing with Safari, in order to be able to tab to all the controls, you need to either hold down the option key while pressing tab, or check the option labeled "Press Tab to highlight each item on a webpage" in Preferences/Advanced. 

  • Do the following actions using keyboard only:
    • Select a term list
    • Edit all fields of the term list
    • Add a new term to the term list
    • Tab through all fields of the form
  • Expected:
    • At all times it should be possible to see which field has focus
    • All the fields of the Terms (values) list should be reachable
    • The Save, Delete and Cancel Changes buttons should be reachable
      Entries in the Terms List to the left should be selectable
