- Continental breakfast (9:00-9:30)
- Introductions, background, and goals (9:30-10:00)
- Demo: Production system for seaweed digitization (10:00-10:45)
- Group activity: Specimen digitization workflows - what works, what doesn't
- Break (10:45-11:00)
- Demo: Migrated UCJEPS data (from SMASCH) (11:00-11:45)
- Group activity: Review screenshots for completeness, identify missing fields, confusing names
- Lunch (11:45-1:00)
- Demo and design review: Customizations for living collections (botanical gardens) (1:00-1:45)
- Group activity: Review screenshots for completeness, identify missing fields, confusing names
- Demo and design review: Invoking mapping services (Berkeley Mapper) (1:45-2:30)
- Group activity: Review screenshots for completeness, identify missing fields, confusing names
- Break (2:30-2:45)
- Design review: Data sharing and interoperability (DarwinCore and Symbiota) (2:45-3:30)
- Group activity
- Design review: Archives and field notebooks (3:30-4:00)
- Group activity
- Break (4:00-4:15)
- Sustainability (4:15-4:45)
- Domain-based communities of practice: Towards a sustainable shared version of Collection
- Hosting, CollectionSpace-as-a-Service in the cloud.