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{note}work in progress{note} {div:style=font-weight:bold;font-size:1.2em;}[Account Service Home]{div} {toc:minLevel=3|maxLevel=5} h3.Description Account service offers operations to manage ana CollectionSpace account in CollectionSpace. To securely access the CollectionSpace services, an account for a user is required for the user. in the system. An account is associated with an identity. The identity could either reside in [collectionspace:CollectionSpace Identity Provider (CSIP)] which is the default identity provider or a foreign identity provider such as [CalNet|] or an [OpenID provider|]. {note}In release 0.4 only CSIP is supported{note} h3. Key Concepts h4. Relationships Following describes the relationship between an Account, a Person and a User in the [default identity provider|collectionspace:CollectionSpace Identity Provider (CSIP)]. {gliffy:name=account_relationships|space=collectionspace|page=Account Service Description and Assumptions|pageid=27099214|align=left|size=M} An account is associated with at least one Person in CollectionSpace. An account might have a user identity in the default identity provider. h4. Assumptions h5. Assumptions for managing account with identity managed by [CollectionSpace Identity Provider|collectionspace:CollectionSpace Identity Provider (CSIP)] {multi-excerpt-include:pageTitle=CollectionSpace Identity Provider (CSIP)|name=assumptions for csip|nopanel=true} h4. Issues {multi-excerpt-include:pageTitle=Authentication Service Description and Assumptions|name=issue sign up a user|nopanel=true} {note} * The Person Service is the System of Record (SOR), or authoritative data source, for personIds. * The SOR for systemIds is TBD. {note} h3. References # [collectionspace:Authentication Service Description and Assumptions] # [Design notes for multi-tenancy in CollectionSpace] h3. Questions |
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