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h6. User Story {indent} {quote}An admin user can create a new Person namespace. This corresponds to a new Vocabulary, within which new Person entries (cf. VocabularyItem) will be created and maintained. {quote}{*}See also*: _n/a_ {indent} h6. Related User Stories: * _[Create new Vocabulary|collectionspace:Create new Vocabulary]_ * ... h6. Derived Stories: These related stories are created or derived from the User Story described on this page. For example, Service Stories describe bits of functionality that a service might need to provide in order for the User Story requirement to be fulfilled. These stories are used to create, plan, and track specific development tasks in JIRA. If development has begun on one of these stories, there should be a link into JIRA describing the story and the related development tasks. {indent:1}{*}Service Layer Stories{*}{indent} {indent:2} Service Story: [Consumer Servicecan consumerperform canbasic createCRUD aoperations newon PersonPersonAuthorities namespaceand instanceentries (created empty). Must have a namespace.Persons)|] Service Story: Service consumer can create a new Person namespace instance (and associated Person instances) from an import file. _There seems to be some confusion about the extent to which this is a Service story or an Application Story._ {indent} {indent:1}{*}Application Layer Stories{*}{indent} {indent:2} Application Story: <Describe a bit of functionality required by the UI layer components as clients.> Application Story: <Describe a bit of functionality required by the UI layer components as clients.> {indent} {indent:1}{*}UI Layer Stories{*}{indent} {indent:2} UI Story: <Describe a bit of end-user functionality and interaction with UI components.> UI Story: <Describe a bit of end-user functionality and interaction with UI components.> {indent} |
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