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Wiki Markup
h6. User Story

{quote}An admin user can create a new Person namespace. This corresponds to a new Vocabulary, within which new Person entries (cf. VocabularyItem) will be created and maintained.
{quote}{*}See also*: _n/a_

Note: For the 1.0 release, this process will not be supported by a graphic user interface.

h6. Related User Stories:

* _[Create new Vocabulary|collectionspace:CreateAdmin can create a new Vocabularyvocabulary]_
* ...

h6. Derived Stories:

{indent:1}{*}Service Layer Stories{*}{indent}

Service Story: [Consumer can perform basic CRUD operations on PersonAuthorities and entries (Persons)|]
Service Story: Service consumer can create a new Person namespace instance (and associated Person instances) from an import file. _There seems to be some confusion about the extent to which this is a Service story or an Application Story._
{indent:1}{*}Application Layer Stories{*}{indent}

Application Story: <Describe a bit of functionality required by the UI layer components as clients.>

Application Story: <Describe a bit of functionality required by the UI layer components as clients.>
{indent:1}{*}UI Layer Stories{*}{indent}

UI Story: <Describe a bit of end-user functionality and interaction with UI components.>

UI Story: <Describe a bit of end-user functionality and interaction with UI components.>