Wiki Markup |
h4. Schema
|| This schema is... || || Changes \\ || ||
| complete | !grnchk.png! | implemented | |
| under review | | in progress \\ | [CSPACE-3267|] |
|| Information Group || Information Unit || Definition || Field Type || Field Repeatable || Group Repeatable \\ ||
| Acquisition information | Accession date | The date on which an object formally enters the collection and is recorded in the accessions register. | Calendar date | No | |
| | | | | | |
| | Acquisition authorizer | The name of a member of staff giving final approval for the acquisition to proceed. | Name authority: Person | No | No \\ |
| | > Acquisition authorizer date | The date of which the Acquisition authorizer gives final approval for an acquisition to proceed. | Calendar date | No | |
| | | | | | |
| | Acquisition date | The date on which title to an object or group of objects is transferred to the organization. | Calendar date | Yes | |
| | | | | | |
| | Acquisition funding - currency | The currency of the funding used to support the acquisition of an object. | Controlled list | No | Yes \\ |
| | > Acquisition funding - value | The numerical value of the funding used to support the acquisition of an object. | Number | No | |
| | > Acquisition funding source | The Person or Organization from whom the Acquisition funding was obtained. | Name authority: Person, Organization | No | |
| | >> Acquisition funding source provisos | Restrictions apply to all the objects acquired with the support from an Acquisition funding source. | Text | No | |
| | | | | | |
| | Acquisition method | The means by which title to an object is formally transferred to the organization. | Controlled list | No | |
| | | | | | |
| | Acquisition note | General information about the acquisition. | Text | No | |
| | | | | | |
| | Acquisition provisos | Restrictions applying to the objects in a single acquisition, including conditions for deposition of archaeological archives. | Text | No | |
| | | | | | |
| | Acquisition reason | The reason or justification for an acquisition. | Text | No | |
| | | | | | |
| | Acquisition reference number | A unique identifying number for information on the acquisition of an object or group of objects. | Controlled number | No | |
| | | | | | |
| | Owner \\ | Details of a People, Person or Organisation who owned an object before title was \\
transferred to the organisation. \\ | Name authority: All \\ | Yes \\ | |
| | | | | | |
| | Acquisition source | The People, Person, or Organization from whom an object was obtained, if different from the owner. The Acquisition source may be an agent or other intermediary between the acquiring organization and the Owner. For archaeological archives, use Acquisition source to record the excavating body responsible for preparing and depositing the archive with the organization. | Name authority: All | {color:#000000}Yes{color} | |
| | | | | | |
| | Credit line \\ | The descriptive form of recognition of the acquisition method and/or source. \\ | Text | No \\ | |
| | | | | | |
| | Group purchase price - currency | The currency of the price paid for a group of objects at acquisition, including taxes for which the purchase is liable. If individual prices are known for specific objects in the group, use Object acquisition price. | Controlled list | Yes | No \\ |
| | > Group purchase price - value | The numerical value of the price paid for a group of objects at acquisition, including taxes for which the purchase is liable. If individual prices are known for specific objects in the group, use Object acquisition price. | Number | No | |
| | | | | | |
| | Object offer price - currency | The currency of the Object offer price. | Controlled list | No | No \\ |
| | > Object offer price - value | The numerical value of the Object offer price. \\ | Number | No | |
| | | | | | |
| | Object purchase offer price - currency | The currency of the price which the organization offers for the purchase of the object. | Controlled list | No | No \\ |
| | > Object purchase offer price - value | The numerical value of the price which the organization offers for the purchase of the object. | Number | No | |
| | | | | | |
| | Object purchase price - currency | The currency of the total price paid for an object at acquisition, including taxes for which the purchaser is liable. Associated with the Object number. If no individual prices are known for specific objects in the group (e.g. a lot bought at auction), use Group purchase price. | Controlled list | No | No \\ |
| | > Object purchase price - value | The numerical value of the total price paid for an object at acquisition, including taxes for which the purchaser is liable. Associated with the Object number. If no individual prices are known for specific objects in the group (e.g. a lot bought at auction), use Group purchase price. | Number | No | |
| | | | | | |
| | Original object purchase price - currency | The currency of the price paid for an object in the original currency at the time of purchase. | Controlled list | No | No \\ |
| | > Original object purchase price - value | The numerical value of the Original object purchase price. | Number | No | |
| | | | | | |
| | Transfer of title number | A unique identifying number for a transfer of title or acquisition event. It should serve as the reference to written documentation of a transfer of title or acquisition process. The number may be assigned to a transfer of title form. | Controlled number | No | |
| | | | | | |
| Object collection information | Field collection event name | The name of an event at which an object was collected. | Collecting event authority | Yes | |
h4. Notes
The above schema represents information unique to Acquisition. Users creating, reading, or updating an Acquisition record may also wish to create/read/update (via the tab structure):
- Object information (see [limited schema|Cataloging Schema - Limited for Procedural CRUD])
- Related or representative media
- Condition information
- Conservation information
- Location information
- Movement information
- Valuation information
- Insurance information
- Rights information
- Exit information
User may wish to link to but not c/r/u (via the right sidebar):
- Object records
- Procedural records (e.g. Intake, Loans In)
- Organizational records (Vocabularies, Collections)
+ATS: Suggested additions to core Acquisition Schema based on use at MMI, WAC, SMK+
*Credit Line* (used at MMI, WAC, SMK)
Definition: Text used to legally recognize the donor or other participant(s) in the acquisition process.
Example:Gift in memory of Marie McGreal.
h4. Controlled list contents
{multi-excerpt:name=acquisition controlled list contents}
|| Field || Value(s) || Default Value || Dynamic/Static ||
| Currency | [Alphabetic codes in the ISO Currency Codes list, ISO 4217|]\\
(to be presented along with associated display names) | USD (US Dollar) | Static |
| Acquisition method | bequest, exchange, gift, purchase, transfer, treasure | gift | Dynamic |
h4. Controlled number patterns
Acquisition reference number:
2009.1 (increments: 2009.1, 2009.2, 2009.3...)
AR2009.1 (increments: AR2009.1, AR2009.2, AR2009.3...)
LIB2009.1 (increment: LIB2009.1, LIB2009.2, LIB2009.3...)
Transfer of title number:
TT2009.1 (increments: TT2009.1, TT2009.2, TT2009.3...)
h4. Summary fields
summary fields}
|| Context || Fields ||
| header \\ | Acquisition reference number; Primary value of Acquisition source or Owner \\ |
| right sidebar in object/procedure | Acquisition reference number; Record type; Last edit date \\ |
| right sidebar in authority term \\ | Acquisition reference number; Record type; Field used in \\ |
| search results \\ | Acquisition reference number; Primary value of Acquisiton Source or Owner; Last edit date \\ |
| secondary tab | Acquisition reference number; Primary value of Acquisiton Source or Owner; Last edit date \\ |
h4. Repeatability
Repeatable fields will be introduced in Release 0.7 please see the [acquisition schema repeatability requirements|^Acquisition Repeatability.xls] for the complete list. |
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