User can relocate a group of objects/specimen lots, including parts of a single object/specimen lot, by globally changing the location
User can assign latitude and longitude for a list of objects (by ID or by selecting specimens with a specify locality)
User can update other locality fields for a list of objects (e.g., to update the county where a specimen was collected)
Batch Processing: Identification Numbering
User can move a group of identifications numbers to a new field (e.g. intake numbers to other number to be replaced by acquisition number)
Batch Processing: Naming and Identification
User can alter the taxonomic name of a list of specimens (identified by a set of object numbers or by their association with an existing name) and make an annotation giving the date and person authorizing the change
Batch Processing: Vocabulary
User can view all provisionally added vocabulary terms
User can replace a provisionally added term with an accepted term
User can consolidate variants of vocabulary terms, e.g., collector names, in order to correct misspellings
Batch Processing: Merge
User can merge two or more existing records
Batch Processing: Dates
User can update a date field for a list of object IDs.
Batch Processing: Text fields and other
User can correct misspelling in a text field given a list of IDs
User can delete the contents of a field given a list of specimen IDs
User can delete an entire record given a list of IDs
User can enter information into a field (e.g., treatments: freezing) given a list of IDs or association with a specific associated record (e.g., for all objects associated with this intake, set the treatment field to freezing)