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h6. User Story _User can search for objects that have been associated to a given vocabulary term._ *See also*: _TBD_ It is not clear the extent to which this is nominally a vocabulary function or a function of the individual objects and their search functions. h6. Related User Stories: * _[Search for Object Records]_ * _[Search for Acquisition Records]_ * _[Search for IntakesIntake Records]_ * _[Search for People]_ * _[Search for Organizations]_ * _[Search for Locations]_ * _etc._ h6. Derived Stories: {indent:1} *Service Layer Stories* {indent} {indent:2} Service Story: Consumer can search for objects by specifying a given term from a vocabulary, presumably as used in a given field of the object schema. {indent} {indent} {indent:1} *Application Layer Stories* {indent} {indent:2} TBA {indent} {indent} {indent:1} *UI Layer Stories* {indent} {indent:2} TBA {indent} |
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