Related Discussion and Documentation
Discussion and Process Around External Code Contribution
Code Contribution Draft Workflows/wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275647
9:15-11:15: Walk-through of customization and extension use-cases
For each of the proposed use-cases, we'll discuss:
We'll canvas the group to choose from among the following list of use-cases. Most of them will illustrate general principles, but each of them has distinct technical issues.
- Customize a procedure or authority Rename field or authority
- Add a field to a local or domain schema (in a new tenant)
- Apply another schema (from a template) to your record
- Add validation
- Roles and Perms and field-level perms
- Rename field or authority
- Add a field to a repeating field group (can not be done now without replacing the whole group -- what could we do to change this in the system?)
- Blue sky: Fundamentally change the data model (e.g., to display information from a related record on the main panel or right panel)
- Build a custom procedure (e.g., Claim/NAGPRA Claim)
- Build a custom authority (e.g., Place)
- Add UI widget or capability ( following discussions in the pre-meeting on Tuesday)
- Add a boolean widget
- Add link/button that examines a field that is a URL (e.g., link to image in another system) and open browser window)
- Add link/button that talks to an external web service (e.g., sends locality info to Berkeley Mapper and draws a map; sends locality text info to a georeferencing service, gets back locality data, stores data in system)
- Modify/extend report invocation widget to also invoke batch processes
- Modify report/batch widget to display a dialog requesting parameters for invocation
- Integrate data from related record on page
Building on the discussion of customization and extension use-cases, and on the sustainability and foundation presentation, we'll review:
- The existing workflows /wiki/spaces/collectionspace/pages/666275647 for making contributions
- Gaps or weak areas in the existing workflows and process
- Facilitating cooperation and preventing duplication of effort
- Variants or different classes of contributions. E.g.,
- a new procedure vs. a new template,
- UI translations,
- documentation and translations thereof
- etc.
- Structure of the community repository
- Guidelines for adopters of contributions (especially templates)
- Configuration
- Using the common REST APIs
- data import and ETL
- http://issues.collectionspace.org/browse/CSPACE-3894 (adding/removing fields to groups)
- NS: enable http caching for static assets (put nginx in front as a proxy server? Build default config? Or can this be turned on / off in the app layer?)
- make sure connections are reused, etc.
- Starting point: http://wiki.collectionspace.org/display/UNRELEASED/Configuring+Caching+in+CollectionSpace (see the linked JIRA issue as well) - Aron
- NS: we need to build an OAI-PMH endpoint providing at least CDWAlite, ideally oai_dc, etc.
- Where does this go? App layer queries item XML and transforms is using XSL? Then we hook OAICat up to just use those calls instead of pre-formatted XML from a DB?
- Aron: Flow of check-ins with switch to git from SVN (particularly pertinent for the project team right now)
- When check-ins go from local to upstream, or through an origin repo (on a user's GitHub acct)
- How pull requests are handed - who takes care of them, who is notified about them
- ...
4:45-5:00: Wrap up, next steps
- In the UI vs. in the services (user entry constraints, vs. data constraints including on import)
- Code development and maintenance in Javascript vs. Java
- How it's working for you
- What you need from it
- When it's appropriate to use it, and when not
- When not appropriate: UI development work, very rapid UI turnaround of HTML/CSS changes via local loading with record.html
BOF (birds of a feather) sessions on specific topics