This user manual provides a place for the community of collecting institutions we work with to learn more about the CollectionSpace software, data best practices, application, and roadmap. It provides information for our users who want to learn more about the capabilities and features of the platform.
This iteration of the User Manual was built from scratch in early 2025 following the 8.1 release.
Access to this manual is limited to those who contribute to the Program. See CollectionSpace User Manual. First time users, see Accessing the User Manual.
Technical Documentation
CollectionSpace Technical Documentation including but not limited to the following: Installation and Upgrading CollectionSpace, Configuring Single Sign On, Using the REST API, and Configuring a Public Browser resides on GitHub.
We have plans to audit and update this documentation during the 2025 calendar year. We understand that portions of this document may be out of date.
The CollectionSpace public website houses additional information about the program. The website complements this manual, and provides information for potential users as well as access to the sandboxes, contact information, events, etc.
The website under went a complete redesign in the Summer of 2024. Content is updated on a regular basis.