18 Sept 2013
Clare, Margriet, Amy, John, David (Baxter), Andrew, Kim, Rick, Chris
Reviewing latest changes on https://havrc.cspace.berkeley.edu/ucjeps_project_dev/public/publicsearch
Clare: where drop down menus in database, should be drop downs in portal (MH)
Search term in collector box -- "E. Yale Dawson" -- finds all records with collector terms that include E. Yale Dawson (MH)
Shift+Click/Control+Click to select more than one value in a pulldown menu (NH) - Need to look into technical feasbility
Clare: Search multiple values in text match fields in one search via repeatable group rather than multiple search terms in one box (W) - Using an OR symbol (|) requires no layout changes.
Clicking on facet "E. Yale Dawson" returns only records with the exact match.
David: Date functions
More sophisticated search - doable; using string value for now.
Use Julian date for sorting. We have Julian date value, and can use that to sort.
Determination field
Automatch - could match any word in term
David: start at Genus
Andrew: Plantlist.org is a good example of term completion. "Enter Genus or Genus and species" Does not invite you to enter a species only.
Margriet: Index Fungorum allows you to enter specific epithet (species) - fungi are harder to find by their genus, so this is helpful.
Resolution to be decided.
David/Dick: Change BerkeleyMapper config
Determination: Change to Scientific Name
Also, in Cspace, relabel Name as Scientific Name
Clare: Greece is missing in Country list
Keyword search: Brazil 1971
Demote keyword search field to end... so it's not the first thing people enter
UCJEPS staff will propose re-ordering of fields
Full resolution images served. Images still broken, however. What is the effect on server load? PDF icon displays rather than PDF itself. A CSpace bug? Are we excluding media that are checked "Do not post to public"?
Link to CollectionSpace. For staff only? How to do that?
eLoan - need to save searches in order to track. Need to add workflow to track eLoans.
Add Loan # field?
Determination names without authors?
Handle characters with accents. Apparently, a problem with encoding for now.
Clare: In CSpace, umlauts appear in entity form.
Brent: Instructions for use. Make more in line with look and feel of herbaria web site. UCJEPS logo. Photos, maybe.
Clare: in facets, represent empty values for facets with no info. Need a way to find results that have no value in that facet (e.g., items from Peru that have no county listed).
John: Pagination of results. Currently, short display returns 1000 rows, shows them all. Longer displays return 50. Could paginate. Would allow unlimited number of results. If select all checked, it could mean "all specimens get included" (i.e., in search done as part of download or ship to BerkeleyMapper, there would be no limit to results). BUT - there's a museum policy/practice reason for the limit - to drive people wanting many, many records to contact museum staff. Andrew: "We've been burned in the past. We want people to link to our database, rather than upload the set to their own site, because it changes so frequently."
John: (Missed this. Apparently, the topic has been covered. - Rick)
Chris: Other fields in detailed view? Last update date; eLoans
Margriet: In full view, "No." should be "Collector No." Also, changing views required completing search
Chris: Seems odd to give user view choices; especially having short view and v1. More options requires increased documentation on screen.
Andrew: I like that - not showing empty fields.
John: view names could be:
List or short
Full or complete
NOTE: createdAt, ModifiedAt, ModifiedBy displayed on ucjeps-dev but not ucjeps prod.