The Cleveland Museum of Art
CMS Demonstration Scenarios
Library/Archives Scenarios
1. Archives
Archives needs access to provenance information in order to search dealer and donor correspondence files. They also need exhibition histories (for locating gallery images), publication histories, and images that can be forward to researchers. Ideally, we should be able to associate all objects in a particular exhibition and print a report. Our researchers are often interested in how objects, they now own, were associated with others in the past.
2. Library
Authority Control - The authority control for a new collections information system should follow the library model for all names and subjects. Does the system support unique authority records with cross references? Please describe how records are updated. Are these updates dynamic - that is, if you update the authority record will it update the associated object records? Can you load authority records from outside vendors?
How is exhibition history handled? Can you control the name of an exhibition on an authority record? For example, the full name, place and date of venue should be part of the record as well as the title of the exhibition catalogue with a link to the Ingalls Library record for the publication.