
Provide CollectionSpace administrators, data migration specialists, and advanced users a means of importing and updating CollectionSpace records using CSV files.




User interaction and design

Add mockups, diagrams, or visual designs related to these requirements. Type /image to upload a file.

Open Questions



How will uploaded data merge with or replace existing data, esp. for repeatable fields? (e.g. duplicates? will new values always replace existing values, or will they in some case supplement them?)

Will there be “undo” and if so how will it work?

How will long-running batches be handled? Esp. the case of a long-running batch that fails in the middle?

Will there be a limit on the number of records in a batch? The duration of a batch job? A way to cancel?

From user story: User can opt to proceed with mapping data that receives a warning.

Need to discuss - See use cases in row 13 of Basic Course of Events table

Out of Scope

List the features discussed which are out of scope or might be revisited in a later release.