Note that the following priority work areas are listed in priority order.  However, there are high priority individual tasks that are further down the page in lower priority work areas.  All of these work areas are important.  Some will have significant attention in the current sprint; others are a thin thread of activity at this time.  The real activity tracking happens in Jira.  This page is not a replacement for that system.  It is a higher level planning document.

In addition to identifying specific tasks, this version starts to incorporate targets or goals for each work area, some of which are quite a bit further out in time.

Work areas

Conduct initial planning for PFA-CSpace

June - Kickoff meeting with project team
July - Kickoff with BAM/PFA
July - Documentation of existing systems and fit-gap performed
August - Scope signoff
End February - Launch?


Django-based web applications

July - UCJEPS prototype developed
September - UCJEPS and UCBG portals launched


Develop process and SLA with customers to manage expectations and set priorities

July - Service Level Agreement and advisory group processes drafted
August - SLA signoff


Make progress on Delphi integration for PAHMA


June - determine how to get images
July - next phase of work on tasks
When? - launch

Determine whether we have performance problems, especially from the user perspective

August - Performance on three production systems is stable


Address critical stability bugs for existing deployments

July - Critical stability bugs are fixed.


Perform post-launch support for the Bot Garden

August - Botanical Garden system in production support


Decide how we want to host and operate deployed systems

July - Select architecture for hosting CollectionSpace and web applications
July - Select system/customer for initial transition
December - Other systems transitioned


Perform identified work for CollectionSpace 3.3 and Mellon Officers Grant -- see the v3.3 release page


Incorporate Citation contribution from SMK


Other irons in the fire

Jira filters
