*[Contact Service Home]*

The Contact service is deprecated.  Contact records can be added via selected services, such as Person and Organization, that support Contacts as a sub-resource.

| [Description|#Brief Description] | [Assumptions |#Brief Assumptions Summary] | [References|#References] | [Operations|#Operations] |

{include:Service Meta Table Style Page}
{td:id=serviceVersion}v0.1 - [ContactService REST APIs - Release v0.1|ContactService REST APIs - Release v0.1]
{td:id=serviceVersionHistory}[Release Notes/History|Contact Service Release Notes#current]
{th:class=h}Based upon
{td:id=serviceName|colspan=2}KSS Contact
{th:class=h}Depends upon
{td:id=serviceName|colspan=2}No real dependencies, except utilities for LDAP integration at some point (not in initial version).

h3. Brief Description
{multi-excerpt-include:Contact Service Description and Assumptions|name=brief-description|nopanel=true} For a full desciption, visit the [Service Description and Assumptions|Contact Service Description and Assumptions] page.

h3. Assumptions
{multi-excerpt-include:Contact Service Description and Assumptions|name=brief-assumptions|nopanel=true} For a complete list of assumptions, visit the [Service Description and Assumptions|Contact Service Description and Assumptions] page.

h3. References

[Contact Service Description and Assumptions]
[Contact Service Entity Diagrams]

h3. REST Interfaces - CRUD Operations

The Contact Service offers a RESTful interface to CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) operations on individual Contact items. Because contact info is always associated to a Person or Organization, the resource model will reflect this. Applications will not read individual items but rather will search for items associated to a given person or organization. These will then be organized by media type and priority. Create operations will similarly add an item associated to a person or organization. Update, and Delete operations could reference individual items, but we may preserve the association path for consistency and as an additional sanity check.

For full details, visit [Contact REST APIs - Release v0.1|Contact REST APIs - Release v0.1].

h3. RPC-Style Setup/Metadata Operations