- Currently the Imports Service reports success for all records, even if it fails to import a record. You need to check the imported data against your import file. (Jira filed?)
- Shell script for imports
- Shell script for deletes. (Note: Does not work for records that have been soft-deleted in the UI.)
- If you delete a record in the CSpace UI (e.g., a person record), it is really a soft-delete, and other fragments of that record will be stored in tables outside the authority you were working with. If you try to reload that CSID using the Imports Service, it will report a successful import, but the record will not be added. In addition, the curl-based delete will not work because it seems to be trying to find the CSID in the authority or workspace where the CSID is expected to be found. In that case, you could go into the other tables and figure out what to delete, or if you're just testing, you can assign a new CSID to the record you are trying to re-import.