
Information Group

Information Unit


Field Type

Field Repeatable

Group Repeatable

Object location information

Current location

The place within the organization where an object is currently located.

Storage location authority and Organization Authority




> Current location fitness

A term describing the extent to which an object's current location is fitted to an object's requirements.

Controlled list




> Current location note

Information about the reason for an object's being at its Current location.











Location date

The date an object was placed or observed at the Current location.

Calendar date




Reference number

A unique identifying number for the movement, location or inventory of an object or group of object to its/their Current location.

Controlled number




Normal location

The place within the organization where an object is normally located.

Storage location authority




Person responsible

The name of the person who moved the object

Person authority





The reason for the change in location.

Controlled list




Information Group

Information Unit


Field Type

Field Repeatable

Group Repeatable

Movement information

Movement contact

The name of the member of staff responsible for an object during the move to its Current location.

Name authority: Person










Movement method

The method used in the movement of an object to its Current location.

Controlled list










Movement note

Additional information about the movement of an object or group of objects which has not been recorded elsewhere using controlled terminology.











Planned removal date

The date an object is due to be returned from a Current location which is not its Normal location.

Calendar date










Removal date

The date an object is actually removed from a Current location.

Calendar date










Reason for Move

The purpose or reason for the movement of the object or group of objects from its/their Current location.

Controlled list
Relationship (for future connection to related procedure)




The above schema represents information unique to Location and Movement Control. Users creating, reading, or updating a Location and Movement record may also wish to create/read/update:

Suggestions for additional elements to be added to core Location and Movement Schema

Previous Location

Definition: The place where the object was found prior to its move to the Current Location.

Examples: Same as for Current Location

Note: This element is described in SPECTRUM, but is not present in the Location schema (see page 88, section 13 Updating Locations).  The addition of this field allows us to validate that the object was found in the previous location as part of the process of updating the location to the Current Location. Further discussion about history of movement needs to happen as part of development process of services, app layer handling and UI.  (See Patrick's email dated January 29, 2010. I will create a STIM for this so that we can come together and discuss approach + solution.

Reason for Move

Definition: The purpose or reason for the movement of the object or group of objects.

Examples: Exhibition, Loan, New Storage Location

This element exists in SPECTRUM within its description of the Location and Movement Procedure (see page 88, section 13 Updating Locations), however, there appears to be a discrepancy between their description of what is required and the elements in the schema to support the procedure.

Controlled list Contents

{multi-excerpt:name=location and movement control controlled list contents}
|| Field || Value(s) || Default Value || Dynamic/Static ||
| Current location fitness | dangerous; suitable; temporary; unsuitable | none | dynamic |
| Movement method | forklift; handcarried, trolley | none | dynamic |
| Reason for move | conservation; exhibition; inventory; loan; new storage location; photography; research | none | dynamic |

Controlled Number Patterns

Movement reference number:
MV2009.1 (increments: MV2009.1, MV2009.2, MV2009.3)

Summary fields

{multi-excerpt:name=location and movement control summary fields}

|| Context || Fields ||
| header \\ | Current location, Location date \\ |
| right sidebar in object/procedure | Current location; Record type; Last edit date |
| right sidebar in authority term \\ | Movement reference number; Record type; Field used in |
| search results \\ | Movement reference number; Current location; Last edit date |
| secondary tab | Movement reference number; Current location; Last edit date |


Repeatable fields will be introduced in Release 0.7 please see the location and movement schema repeatability requirements for the complete list.