Advanced Search - Group >V6 - QA Test Plan

Advanced Search - Group >V6 - QA Test Plan

Test 1: Advanced Search Fields

  • Actions:
    1. Navigate to Search via the top menu bar item
    2. Select Groups from the record type drop down
    3. Enter QA TEST into the Title field in advanced search
    4. Click search
  • Expected:
    • A record whose reference number contains the phrase QA TEST GROUP ALL FIELDS should appear in the search results (other records may appear as well). 
  • Actions:
    1. Repeat this test using the following fields and values; if the fields are not present in the form choose them from the +Field dropdown
      1. Responsible department: Architecture and Design
      2. Group Owner: QA TEST Person 1
      3. Earliest/single date: 1/1/2000
      4. Scope note: QA TEST
  • Expected:
    • A record whose reference number contains the phrase QA TEST GROUP ALL FIELDS should appear in the search results (other records may appear as well).

Test 3: Last Updated Time and Last Updated By

  • Actions:
    • Click on Create New in the top menu bar
    • Create a new Group record
    • Enter a new Title and any other required fields and Save
    • Return to Search
    • Search the Last Updated Time field for today's date
      • If the Last Updated Time field does not appear, click on +Field at the bottom of the Search form and choose Last Updated Time from the dropdown
  • Expected:
    • The Group record you just created should appear in the search results
  • Actions:
    1. Search the Last Updated By field for your username (likely admin@core.collectionspace.org, or admin@(profile).collectionspace.org)
      1. If the Last Updated By field does not appear, click on +Field at the bottom of the Search form and choose Last Updated By from the dropdown
  • Expected:
    • The Group record you just created should appear in the search results

Test 5: Boolean Field-based Search, Individual Fields

  • Actions:
    1. Navigate to Search via the top menu bar item
    2. Select Groups from the record type drop down menu
    3. Select any (OR) from the boolean drop down menu right under the words Advanced Search 
    4. Enter QA TEST Person 1 in the Group Owner search field
    5. Select Decorative Arts in the Responsible Department search dropdown
    6. Click Search at the bottom of the page
  • Expected:
    • Three records whose reference number contains the phrase QA TEST 5 GROUP BOOLEAN should appear in the search results
  • Actions:
    1. Navigate back to Search
    2. Choose Groups from the record type drop down menu
    3. Select all (AND) from the boolean drop down menu
    4. Enter QA TEST Person 1 in the Group Owner search field
    5. Select Decorative Arts in the Responsible Department search dropdown
    6. Click Search at the bottom of the page
  • Expected:
    • Two records whose reference number contains the phrase QA TEST 5 GROUP BOOLEAN should appear in the search results

Test 7: Spend 3 minutes trying to break something!

  • Spend a few minutes forcing the program to expose buggy behavior by:
    • using the system in ways not covered by the testplan
    • using the system in unexpected ways
    • doing whatever you can think of that will produce bugs and unexpected behavior.
    • Be creative!
    • feel free to extend this to behavior related to this testplan