Report Details: Object Valuation (DRAFT/WORK IN PROGRESS)

Report Details: Object Valuation (DRAFT/WORK IN PROGRESS)

Report Name: Object Valuation

Description / Note: Generates an Excel (.xlsx) spreadsheet containing one row per object in list, outputting basic object identification information and available valuation information from the most recent valuation control procedure related to the object.

Important notes:

  • "most recent valuation control procedure" is determined based on the Object Valuation Information / Date (valueDate) field. If this field is not populated, the creation date of the valuation control procedure is used as a proxy. THUS, if you are entering retrospective valuation control records, make sure you are capturing the date of the valuation in the Object Valuation Information / Date (valueDate) field.
  • The Object Valuation Information / Amount field group is repeatable. The initial version of this report takes the first value amount and does not report the amount currency.
  • When there is no Valuation Control procedure associated with an object, the object is still listed in the report, but the valuation-related columns are all blank
  • Data entry conventions assumed by report:
    • If a value is known for an individual object, record this in a valuation control procedure related to the object. Relating this valuation control procedure to an acquisition procedure of which the object is part is optional.
    • If a value is known for an acquisition/loan/etc consisting of a single object, create the valuation control procedure and relate it to the object. Relating this valuation control procedure to the other related procedure is optional. 
    • If only a group-level value is known for an acquisition/loan/etc consisting of multiple objects, create a single valuation control procedure. Relate the valuation control to the relevant other procedure AND to each object associated with that procedure.
    • If a group-level value is known for some objects in an acquisition/loan/etc, but individual object values are known for other objects, use a combination approach:
      • create a valuation control procedure for each object whose discrete value is known, and relate it to the object (relation to the other procedure is optional)
      • create a valuation control procedure for the group-level value and relate it to all objects in that group, and the other procedure
    • THE KEY IDEA HERE: objects need to be related directly to the valuation control procedures that express the value of those objects. If a valuation control is related to multiple objects, we assume it is a group valuation for that number of objects. If a valuation control is related to a single object, we assume it expresses the value of that object. If the valuation control is related to another procedure without being related to any objects, we are unable to use it in a consistent way to report on the value of objects

Modes - choose one or more of the below, and describe the expected behavior in each mode

  • LIST: Includes data for all Objects in list - If you want to run on a Group, click into the list of objects related to the group and run from there.
  • NOCONTEXT: Runs for all Objects

NOTE: We are also planning addition of a "Related Objects Valuation" report that is basically the same as this one, but that can be run from a single procedure (including group) record or multiple procedures selected from a list


  • This report has no user-specified parameters

Output / MIME type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet (.xlsx)



Fields: List in a table below all fields shown by the report.

Field Name (Report)
Field Name (UI)
Field Name (Schema)
Field description
objnumIdentification numberobjectNumberObject


objnameObject nameobjectNameObject
briefdescBrief descriptionbriefDescriptionObject
valuationidReference numbervaluationcontrolRefNumberValuation Control
valuedateDatevalueDateValuation Control
valuetypeTypevalueTypeValuation Control
valueamountAmount valuevalueAmountValuation Control
rel_objsn/an/an/aNumber of objects related to the Valuation Control procedure
calculatedvaluen/an/an/aIf Valuation Control procedure is related to 1 object, same as valueamount
If Valuation Control procedure is related to more than 1 object, value of valueamount divided by number of related objects (provides an "average value per object" when only a group value is known)

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