All Procedures - QA Test Plan

All Procedures - QA Test Plan

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7.2 Release Special Instructions 

When testing the 7.2 release, please be sure to populate, update and delete values from the following fields. These are the fields that are new to the 7.2 release: 

  • Object Record >> 
    • NAGPRA Note (anthro only); 
    • Apparel Size (anthro, core, lhmc only)
    • Description level (anthro, core, lhmc, fcart)
    • Controlled Object Name
    • Controlled material
    • Field Collection Site (anthro)
    • Field Collection Event (anthro)
    • Assocation > Event or period/era
    • Content > Event or period/era 
  • Loan In and Loan Out
    • Credit Line

Data Entry

Test 1: Reference Number

  • Actions:
    1. Go to the URL noted on the QA Testing Tasks page - be sure you're in the right profile
    2. Log in, and click on Create New
    3. Click on the name of the Procedure you need to test
    4. Once the new Procedural record appears, click the save button
  • Expected:
    • The message "Reference number is required. Please enter a value." should be displayed at the bottom of the screen
      • Exceptions: Distribution, Group, L/M/I, NAGPRA Claim, Pot Tag, and Voucher. Group requires a title, L/M/I a Current location, and NAGPRA a Claim number. Distribution, Pot Tag, and Voucher have no required fields.
  • Action:
    1. Click the number pattern generator icon  next to the Reference Number field and select a pattern from the drop down
      1. Exception: Group and Pot Tag do not have reference numbers. Please move to Test 3. Voucher has a Collection Number field.
  • Expected:
    • The number pattern should be displayed in the Reference Number field, with the proper values
  • Action:
    • Click the number pattern generator icon again
  • Expected:
    • The "last generated value" next to the pattern you chose earlier should match the value in the Reference Number field
  • Action:
    • Select the same pattern from the dropdown as in the earlier test
  • Expected:
    • The number pattern should be displayed in the Reference Number field, but with the last number incremented by one

Test 3: Procedure Header

  • Actions:
    1. If you have not done Test 1: Create a new Procedural record and select or write some Reference Number
    2. Write any name or select any term in the additional field noted below by procedure:
      1. Acquisition > Acquisition source
      2. Condition check > Condition
      3. Conservation > Procedural status
      4. Distribution > Organization
      5. Exhibition > Title
      6. Group > Title and Group owner
      7. Insurance/Indemnity > Insurer/indemnifier
      8. Intake > Current owner
      9. Iteration Report > None
      10. Loan in > Lender name
      11. Loan out > Borrower name
      12. Location / Movement / Inventory > Current location and location date
      13. Media handling > Title
      14. NAGPRA Claim > None
      15. Object exit > Current owner
      16. Pot Tag > Common name, Family
      17. Transport > Transporter
      18. Use of collections > Title
      19. Valuation control > Type
    3. Click the Save button
  • Expected:
    • The values in Reference Number and the additional field should now be displayed above the New/Primary Record tab
  • Actions:
    1. If allowed, click on the  button at the bottom left of the additional field and enter a value into the new field
    2. Set this new field as primary by clicking on the number/arrow to the left of the field  until it is in the top position
    3. Click Save
  • Expected:
    • The text above the New/Primary record tab should now reflect the new primary field value

Test 5: All Field Values Saved

  • Actions:
    1. Variation a: Create a new Procedural record
    2. Variation b: Edit an existing Procedural record
    3. Fill out the entire formula based on the following:
      • In the drop down fields, select something other than the first
      • In the authority fields, write something and select a matching term from the list or click to add the term to an authority
      • In the multiline text fields, write multiline text
      • In the regular text areas write regular text
      • If a field or group of fields is repeatable (multivalued), create at least two instances of the field(s) and enter data into both
    4. Click the bottom Save button
  • Expected:
    • A "Saved" message should appear at the bottom of the page
    • After the "Saved" message appears, all the fields should contain the same value as you entered/selected
    • After the "Saved" message appears, authority terms should be displayed under Terms Used
    • After the "Saved" message appears, the newlines should still be present in text areas
    • After the "Saved" message appears, text should be present in all instances of repeatable fields

Test 7: Vocabulary Term Display and Pivoting

    • Actions:
      1. If you have not done Test 5: Open an existing Procedural record that uses at least one vocabulary term of each available type
      2. If you have done Test 5 you should still have the Procedural record open
    • Expected:
      • The authorities that are associated with the current record should all be displayed in the Terms Used list on the right
      • The "Term" column should contain the display name of the Authority term
      • The "Type" column should contain the name of the Authority the term belongs to (e.g. Person, Organization, Place)
      • The "Vocabulary" column should contain the specific Vocabulary the term belogs to (e.g. Local)
      • The "Field" column should contain the name of the field the Authority appears in
    • Actions:
      1. For each type of Authority in the list, click the term for one of the entries on the list
    • Expected:
      • This should bring you to the edit page of the Vocabulary term you clicked
      • The page should have the Procedural record you came from listed in the Used By area

Test 9: All Field Values Removed

  • Actions:
    1. Open existing Procedural record or use the one from Test 5 or 7
    2. Remove the values from all the fields in the formula, except the Reference Number
      1. Exception: For Group, use Title,  for L/M/I a Current location, and for NAGPRA a Claim number.
    3. Click the Save button
  • Expected:
    • A success message from save should appear
    • The header above the tabs should show only the Reference Number
    • After the save successful message appears, all other fields in the form should be empty
  • Actions:
    1. Delete the Reference Number, Current Location, or Claim Number
    2. Click the Save button
  • Expected:
    • The message "Reference number is required. Please enter a value." should be displayed at the bottom of the screen
    • Procedural record should not be saved

Test 11: Deletion of Record

  • Actions:
    1. Create a new Procedural record and fill in at least the Reference Number or other required field
    2. Take note of the Reference Number of the record
    3. Click the Delete button at the top or bottom of the record
  • Expected:
    • The Delete button should not be visible
  • Actions:
    1. Save the record
    2. Click the Delete button in the very bottom of the object record
  • Expected:
    • A dialog should appear asking you to confirm deletion
  • Actions:
    1. Click Cancel
  • Expected
    • Dialog should be dismissed
    • No other changes should occur.
  • Actions:
    1. Click the Delete button again
  • Actions:
    1. Click the close  symbol
  • Expected
    • Dialog should be dismissed
    • No other changes should occur.
  • Actions:
    1. Click the Delete button again
    2. In the appearing dialog, click Delete
  • Expected:
    • You should be redirected to the Search Results page
  • Actions:
    1. Using the top center search area, select the name of the Procedure from the drop down and enter the Reference Number of the deleted record
  • Expected:
    • The Procedural record should not be found.
  • Actions:
    1. Create a new Procedural record and fill in at least the Reference Number
    2. Take note of the Reference Number of the record
    3. Save the record
    4. Add a related Procedural record via the tabs or right sidebar
    5. Save the record
    6. Click the Delete button in the very bottom of the object record
  • Expected:
    • A dialog should appear asking you to confirm deleting the record and its relationships
  • Actions:
    1. Click Cancel
  • Expected
    • Dialog should be dismissed
    • No other changes should occur
  • Actions:
    1. Click the Delete button again
  • Actions:
    1. Click the close symbol
  • Expected
    • Dialog should be dismissed
    • No other changes should occur.
  • Actions:
    1. Click the Delete button again
    2. In the appearing dialog, click Delete
  • Expected:
    • You should be redirected to the Search page
  • Actions:
    1. Using the top center search area, select the Procedure name from the drop down and enter the Reference Number of the deleted record
  • Expected:
    • The Procedural record should not be found

Test 13: Folding/Unfolding Boxes

  • Actions:
    1. For each section, click each header section title twice (e.g. Acquisition Information)
  • Expected:
    • First time the section should fold, and symbol to the left of the section header text should change to unfold 
    • Second time the section should unfold, and symbol should change to fold 


Test 21: Cancel Changes buttons

  • Actions:
    1. Open an existing Procedural record, do not make any changes
    2. Variation A: Click Revert button at the top of the page
    3. Variation B: Click Revert button at the bottom of the page
  • Expected:
    • Revert buttons should be disabled and nothing should happen
  • Actions:
    1. Edit at least one field
    2. Variation A: Click Revert button at the top of the page
    3. Variation B: Click Revert button at the bottom of the page
  • Expected:
    • Revert button should be active
    • Record should be reverted to before changes were made
  • Actions:
    1. Click the Save button
    2. Variation A: After successful save, click the Revert button at the top of the page
    3. Variation B: After successful save, click the Revert button at the bottom of the page
  • Expected:
    • Revert button should be disabled and nothing should happen

Test 23: Warning When Leaving Page with Unsaved Changes

  • Actions:
    1. Variation a: Create a new Procedural record
    2. Variation b: Edit an existing Procedural record
    3. Edit at least one field (on variation a, also fill out Reference Number)
    4. Click the Search menu item
  • Expected:
    • A dialog should appear, warning that you are leaving a page with unsaved changes
  • Actions:
    1. Variation I: click Don't Leave button
    2. Variation II: click Save and Continue button
    3. Variation III: click the Revert and Continue button (i.e. Don't Save)
    4. Variation IV: click the close  symbol in the top right corner
  • Expected:
    1. on (I) and (IV): Dialog should be dismissed without any changes (no saves or redirects)
    2. on (II): Changes to Procedural record should be saved and user redirected to expected page. Check whether saved by navigating back to the record.
    3. on (III): Changes Procedural record should not be saved and user should be redirected to the expected page. Check whether saved by navigating back to the record.

Keyboard Navigation

Keyboard Navigation with Safari

Please note: If testing with Safari, in order to be able to tab to all the controls, you need to either hold down the option key while pressing tab, or check the option labeled "Press Tab to highlight each item on a webpage" in Preferences/Advanced. 

Test 31: All fields available via the keyboard

  • Actions:
    1. Use tab through the entire form
  • Expected:
    • Each of the fields should be reachable
    • The Save, Clone , Revert, and Delete buttons should all reachable
    • The folding functionality should be usable (tab to it and hit space)
    • You should be able to change the order of fields 

Test 33: Vocabulary Fields Usable Via Keyboard

  • Actions:
    1. Go to a field that points to an Authority (marked with a )
    2. Variation a: Write a prefix to an existing Authority term
    3. Variation b: Write a nonexistent Authority term
  • Expected
    • The drop down of existing authorities should be reachable using keyboard only