All Authority Hierarchies - QA Test Plan
All Authority Hierarchies - QA Test Plan
On this page
Test 1: Creating a Hierarchy
- Actions:
- Create a new Authority term record appropriate to your QA Test
- Set the Display Name to "Foo Two"
- Set the broader context to "Foo One" (add if necessary when prompted)
- Set a narrower context to "Foo Three A" (add if necessary when prompted)
- Add a repeatable narrower context of "Foo Three B" (add if necessary when prompted)
- Save
- Expected:
- Broader context (Foo One), Narrower contexts (Foo Three A and Foo Three B) and equivalent context (none) should be correct
- Actions:
- Search for "Foo Three A", and edit that record.
- Set a narrower context to "Foo Four AA" (add if necessary when prompted)
- Add a repeatable narrower context of "Foo Four AB" (add if necessary when prompted)
- Save
- Expected:
- Check that the narrower context list (Foo Four AA and Foo Four AB), broader context (Foo Two), and equivalent context (Foo Three B) are correct
- Actions:
- Try to type something in the equivalent context field
- Expected:
- Equivalent context field should link to "sibling" records, but not be editable
- Actions:
- Add another narrower context of "Foo Four AC" (add if necessary when prompted)
- Save
- Expected:
- Check that the narrower context list (Foo Four AA, Foo Four AB, Foo Four AC), broader context (Foo Two), and equivalent context (Foo Three B) are correct
- Actions:
- Search for "Foo Four AA", and open that record
- Expected:
- Check that broader context (Foo Three A) and equivalent context (Foo Four AB, Foo Four AC) are correct
- Actions:
- Search for "Foo Three B", and open that record.
- Expected:
- Check that broader context (Foo Two) and equivalent context (Foo Three A) are correct.
- Actions:
- Set a narrower context to "Foo Four BA" (add if necessary when prompted)
- Add a repeatable narrower context of "Foo Four BB" (add if necessary when prompted)
- Save
- Expected:
- Check that the narrower context list (Foo Four BA and Foo Four BB), broader context (Foo Two), and equivalent context (Foo Three A) are correct
- Actions:
- Search for "Foo" via the top center search box, limiting the search to the Authority appropriate to your QA test
- Expected:
- Ensure the list is complete (alphabetical listing, by sorting on the ID Number column):
- Foo Four AA
- Foo Four AB
- Foo Four AC
- Foo Four BA
- Foo Four BB
- Foo One
- Foo Three A
- Foo Three B
- Foo Two
- Browse to several records to ensure their hierarchy is correct:
- Foo One
- Foo Two
- Foo Three A
- Foo Four AA
- Foo Four AB
- Foo Four AC
- Foo Three B
- Foo Four BA
- Foo Four BB
- Foo Three A
- Foo Two
- Foo One
- Ensure the list is complete (alphabetical listing, by sorting on the ID Number column):
Test 2: Changing a Broader Term
- Actions:
- Create a new Authority term record appropriate to your QA assignment
- Enter any display name
- In the Narrower Context field enter "Foo Four BA".
- Expected:
- A message will appear in the bottom bar reading "Foo Four BA currently has the broader record Foo Three B. Its broader record will be changed when this record is saved."
- Action:
- Save the record
- Expected:
- After the successful save message appears, Foo Four BA should be displayed as entered
- Actions:
- Hover over the term Foo Four BA and click the term link that appears under the display name
- Expected:
- This record should now have only a Broader Context of your most recently-created Authority term record. It should no longer be linked to any of the other "Foo ..." records you created earlier.
Test 3: Deleting a Record with Broader and Narrower Contexts
- Actions:
- Search for "Foo Three A" via the top center search box, limiting the search to the Authority appropriate to your QA test
- Open the record
- Click the Delete button at the top or bottom of the screen
- Expected:
- A pop up will appear with a message reading, "Foo Three A cannot be deleted because it belongs to a hierarchy. To delete this record, first remove its broader and narrower records."
- Actions:
- Remove the Broader context
- Add a narrower context
- Save the record
- Delete the record
- Expected:
- You should not be able to delete the record. Instead you should receive a message similar to "Foo Three A cannot be deleted because it belongs to a hierarchy. To delete this record, first remove its broader and narrower records."
- Actions:
- Add a Broader context. (The record should now have both a Broader and Narrower context.)
- Save the record
- Delete the record
- Expected:
- You should not be able to delete the record. Instead you should receive a message similar to "Foo Three A cannot be deleted because it belongs to a hierarchy. To delete this record, first remove its broader and narrower records."
- Actions:
- Remove both the narrower and the broader contexts
- Save the record
- Delete the record
- Expected:
- You should be able to successfully delete the record
- Actions:
- Search for the record
- Expected:
- The record should not appear in the search results
- Note: a search for Foo Three A may return Foo Three B, and upon clicking Foo Three B, you may still see Foo Three A as an adjacent term. Refreshing your browser should remove this reference.