Advanced Search - Work - QA Test Plan

Advanced Search - Work - QA Test Plan

Test 1: Advanced Search Fields

  • Actions:
    1. Create a new Work record
    2. Fill in the following fields:
      1. Display name
      2. Name
      3. Status
      4. Term flag
      5. Term language
      6. Work type
      7. Work date
      8. Creator name
      9. Publisher name
    3. Save the record
    4. Print out the record to remember what you entered in each field
    5. Navigate to advanced search via the top menu bar item
    6. Select Works in the record type drop down
    7. Enter what you previously entered into the Display Name field in the record, into the Display Name field in Advanced Search
    8. Click search
  • Expected:
    • The Work record you just created should appear in the search results
  • Actions:
    1. Do this for each of the fields listed above, field by field, by erasing / un-selecting the value you entered into the previous field, and entering the value in the next field.
  • Expected:
    • The Work record you just created should appear in the search results
  • Actions:
    1. Search the Record Last Modified By field for your username (admin@core.collectionspace.org)
  • Expected:
    • The Work record you just created should appear in the search results
  • Actions:
    1. Search the Modified Date field for today's date
  • Expected:
    • The Work record you just created should appear in the search results

Test 4: Spend 3 minutes trying to break something!

  • Spend a few minutes forcing the program to expose buggy behavior by:
    • using the system in ways not covered by the testplan
    • using the system in unexpected ways
    • doing whatever you can think of that will produce bugs and unexpected behavior.
    • be creative!
    • feel free to extend this to behavior related to this testplan