Autocomplete Term Matching Search - QA Test Plan

Autocomplete Term Matching Search - QA Test Plan

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These tests depend on a known set of sample Person and Organization records having been created on the QA instance of CollectionSpace. If your test results do not match the expected results described here, please write to the CollectionSpace Talk mailing list and ask that those records be reloaded.

Test 1: Basic Autocomplete Behavior

  • Actions:
    1. Go to the Create New page
    2. Create a new Loan In record
    3. In the Lender field, enter James
  • Expected:
    • Within (at most) a few seconds, a "spinner" icon will appear to the right of the Lender field.
    • When the spinner icon changes to a green 'x' icon, a dropdown menu will appear below the Lender field.
    • The items in this menu should contain two or more matching Person and/or Organization terms, all of whose names contain the text James.
    • The following text should appear at the very bottom of the menu:

Test 2: Using Wildcard Characters

  • Actions:
    1. Beginning from Test 1, in the Lender field, enter: james*company
  • Expected:
    • The items in the dropdown menu should contain one or more matching Organization terms, all of whose name(s) contain the text James and Company, in that order
    • The option to add a term to a Person or Organization vocabulary should appear at the bottom of the menu
  • Actions:
    1. In the Lender field, enter: company*james
  • Expected:
    • The dropdown menu should contain only the text "No matching terms found"
    • No matching terms should be displayed. (This is because there are no terms that contain the text Company and James, in that order)
    • The option to add a term to a Person or Organization vocabulary should appear at the bottom of the menu

Test 3: Using Anchor Character at Start

  • Actions:
    1. Beginning from Test 2, in the Lender field, enter: Thermos
  • Expected:
    • The items in the dropdown menu should contain two or more matching Organization terms, all of whose names contain the text Thermos
    • The following text should appear at the bottom of the menu:

  • Actions:
    1. In the Lender field, enter: ^Thermos
      1. Note: the first character is a carat (^). You can enter this character by typing Shift-6 on most US keyboard layouts
  • Expected:
    • The items in the dropdown menu should contain a single matching Organization term, whose name begins with the text Thermos
    • The following text should appear at the bottom of the menu:

Test 4: Using Anchor Character at End

  • Actions
    1. Beginning from Test 3, in the Lender field, enter: Asta
  • Expected:
    • The items in the dropdown menu should contain two or more matching Person and/or Organization terms, all of whose names contain the text Asta
    • The following text should appear at the bottom of the menu:

  • Actions
    1. In the Lender field, enter: Asta^
      1. Note: the first character is a carat (^). You can enter this character by typing Shift-6 on most US keyboard layouts
  • Expected:
    • The items in the dropdown menu should contain a single matching Organization term, whose name ends with the text Asta
    • The following text should appear at the bottom of the menu:

Test 5: Using Anchor Characters at Start and End

  • Actions
    1. Beginning from Test 4, in the Lender field, enter: ^Asta^
      1. Note: the first and last characters are carats (^). You can enter this character by typing Shift-6 on most US keyboard layouts
  • Expected:
    • The items in the dropdown menu should contain only one matching Organization term, whose name exactly matches the text Asta
    • The following text should appear at the bottom of the menu:

Test 6: Using Both Wildcards and Anchor Characters

  • Actions:
    1. Beginning from Test 5, in the Lender field, enter: James*s
  • Expected:
    • The items in the dropdown menu should contain two or more matching Person and/or Organization terms, all of whose names contain the text James and s, in that order.
    • The option to add a term to a Person or Organization vocabulary should appear at the bottom of the menu.
  • Actions:
    1. In the Lender field, enter: James*s^
      1. Note: The last character is a carat (^). You can enter this character by typing Shift-6 on most US keyboard layouts
  • Expected:
    • The items in the dropdown menu should contain two or more matching Person and/or Organization terms, all of whose names contain the text James and s, in that order, but also must all end with the text s
    • The option to add a term to a Person or Organization vocabulary should appear at the bottom of the menu.