Repeatable Fields and Groups of Fields - QA Test Plan

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Data Entry

Test 1: Test Single field

  • Actions
    1. Edit or create a new Acquisition record
    2. If you create a new record, make sure to add a Reference Number
    3. Write James in the Acquisition Source field, and select one of the options from the list
    4. Click Save
  • Expected:
    • After the "Saved" message appears, the Acquisition Source field should contain the value you entered

Test 3: Test Multiple Instances

  • Actions
    1. Continue from Test 1
    2. Click the (add new field) button at the bottom left of the field
  • Expected:
    • A new instance of the field should appear beneath the current instance
  • Actions:
    1. Write James in the new field and select a different option from the list
    2. Repeat the adding of fields until you have 5 filled fields
    3. Click Save 
  • Expected:
    • After the "Saved" message appears, the Acquisition Source fields should contain the values you entered
    • After you see a message saying the record was successfully saved, all the authorities from Acquisition Source should be listed under Terms Used in the right sidebar

Test 5: Test a Group of Fields

  • Actions
    1. Edit or create a new Acquisition record.
    2. If you create a new record, make sure to add a Reference Number
    3. Fill in each field in the Acquisition Funding section: Currency, Value, Source, and Provisos
    4. Click Save
  • Expected:
    • After the "Saved" message appears, the Acquisition Funding fields should contain the values you entered

Test 7: Test Multiple Instances of a Group of Fields

  • Actions
    1. Continue from Test 5
    2. Click the (add new field) button at the bottom left of the field
  • Expected:
    • A new instance of the group of fields should appear beneath the current instance
  • Actions:
    1. Repeat the adding of fields until you have 3 filled rows
    2. Click Save
  • Expected:
    • After the "Saved" message appears, all three rows of Acquisition Funding fields should contain the values you entered

Test 9: Test Empty Fields

  • Actions
    1. Edit or create a new Acquisition record.
    2. If you create a new record, make sure to add a Reference Number
    3. Make sure the Acquisition Source field is empty
    4. Use the same method as in the previous test to add 5 fields, but only enter data into the second and fourth fields
    5. Click Save
  • Expected:
    • After the "Saved" message appears, all five rows of Acquisition Source fields should be displayed, and rows two and four should contain the values you entered

Test 11: Test Field Removal

  • Actions:
    1. Continue from Test 9
    2. Remove First Field by clicking the  (minus) button to the right of the field
  • Expected:
    • The field should disappear, and the remaining fields (below the one you deleted) should each move up one step (second field should now become first, etc)
  • Actions:
    1. With the same approach, remove second to last field. Expect the same results.
    2. With the same approach, remove the last field. Expect the same results.
    3. Click Save
  • Expected:
    • After the "Saved" message appears, the Acquisition Source field should contain the value you entered in the top field, plus one empty field. The removed fields should no longer appear

Test 13: Testing Duplicate Fields

  • Actions:
    1. Continue from Test 11
    2. Click the  (add new field) button below the Acquisition Source field
  • Expected:
    • A new instance of the field should appear beneath current
  • Actions:
    1. Write James Dean in the first and second instances of the field, selecting the same term from the dropdown
    2. Click Save
  • Expected:
    • After the "Saved" message appears, the Acquisition Source field should contain two fields with identical values
  • Actions:
    1. Click the  (minus) button next to the first of the Acquisition Source fields 
    2. Click Save
  • Expected:
    • After the "Saved" message appears, the Acquisition Source field should still contain the one field that was left (plus any blank fields that may remain from earlier tests)

Test 15: Test Empty Groups of Fields

  • Actions
    1. Edit or create a new Acquisition record.
    2. If you create a new record, make sure to add a Reference Number
    3. Make sure the Acquisition Funding table is empty
    4. Use the same method as in the previous test to add 3 rows but: leave the first and last fields empty. (If any field displays a default selection such as "Please select a value," just leave that value as-is.)
    5. Use the same method as in the previous test to add 2 more rows but: leave all fields empty
    6. Click Save
  • Expected:
    • After the "Saved" message appears, the Acquisition Funding fields should contain the values you entered, with all empty fields and rows displayed as well

Test 17: Removal of Groups of Fields

  • Actions:
    1. Continue from Test 15
    2. Remove first row by clicking the  (minus) button on the right
  • Expected:
    • The row should disappear, and the remaining rows (below the one you deleted) should move up (second row should now become first, etc.)
  • Actions:
    1. With the same approach, remove the third row. Expect the same results
    2. Click Save
  • Expected:
    • After the "Saved" message appears, the Acquisition Funding table should contain the value you entered in the top row, plus two empty rows

Test 19: Testing Duplicate Groups of Fields

  • Actions:
    1. Continue from Test 17
    2. Click the  (add new field) button below the Acquisition Funding table
  • Expected:
    • A new instance of the group of fields should appear beneath current
  • Actions:
    1. Fill in data in the new row to be the same as one of the existing rows in the Acquisition Funding table
    2. Click Save
  • Expected:
    • After the "Saved" message appears, the Acquisition Funding table should contain the two rows with identical values
  • Actions:
    1. Click the  (minus) button to the right of the first row of the Acquisiton Funding table
    2. Click Save
  • Expected:
    • After the "Saved" message appears, the Acquisition Funding table should still contain the remaining rows that were not deleted

Test 21: Primary Fields

  • Actions:
    1. Follow the approach from Test 9: Test Empty Fields to create 5 fields, with the first and third containing data
    2. Mark the third field as primary by clicking the number/move up  button to the left of the field
  • Expected
    1. The third field will move to the top of the table
    2. Fields 1-4 will all be moved down one step
  • Action
    • Click Save
  • Expected:
    1. After the "Saved" message appaers, the five fields should still be present
    2. After the "Saved" message appears, the former field three should still be in the primary/first position
  • Actions
    • Remove the first field (primary) by clicking the (minus) button to the right of the field
  • Expected:
    1. The field should disappear, and the remaining fields should each move up one step (second field should now become first, etc)
  • Actions
    1. Click Save
  • Expected:
    • After the "Saved" message appears, the same instance of the field should be marked primary/first

Test 23: Primary Row

  • Actions:
    1. Follow the approach from Test 9: Test Empty Rows to create 5 rows, with the first and third containing data
    2. Mark the third row as primary by clicking the number/move up  button to the left of the row
  • Expected
    1. The third row will move to the top of the table
    2. Rows 1-4 will all be moved down one step
  • Action
    • Click Save
  • Expected:
    1. After the "Saved" message appears, the five rows should still be present
    2. After the "Saved" message appears, the former row three should still be in the primary/first position
  • Actions
    • Remove the first row (primary) by clicking the (minus) button to the right of the row
  • Expected:
    1. The row should disappear, and the remaining rows should each move up one step (second row should now become first, etc)
  • Actions
    1. Click Save
  • Expected:
    • After the "Saved" message appears, the same instance of the row should be marked primary/first

Test 24: Repeatable Sub-Groups

  • Actions:
    1. Create a new Media Handling Record
    2. Fill in at least the Identification number
    3. Fill in each of the fields in the Dimension group, including all fields in the Measurements sub-group.
    4. Click Save
  • Expected:
    • After the "Saved" message appears, the table should contain the values you entered

Test 7: Test Multiple Instances of a Sub-Group of Fields

  • Actions
    1. Continue from Test 24
    2. Click the  (add new field) button at the bottom left of the Dimensions group
  • Expected:
    • A new instance of the group should appear beneath the current instance
  • Actions:
    1. Fill in the fields until you have 3 filled Dimensions groups
  • Actions:
    1. In each instance of the Dimensions group, click the  (add new field) button below the Measurements sub-group
  • Expected:
    • A new instance of the sub-group should appear beneath the current instance
  • Actions:
    1. Fill in the fields until you have 3 filled Measurements sub-groups
    2. Click Save
  • Expected:
    • After the "Saved" message appears, both the Dimensions tables and the Measurements sub-groups should contain the values you entered

Keyboard navigation

Please note: If testing with Safari, in order to be able to tab to all the controls, you need to either hold down the option key while pressing tab, or check the option labeled "Press Tab to highlight each item on a webpage" in Preferences/Advanced. 

Test 31: Test keyboard navigation

  • Actions:
    1. Tab to the (add new field) button of a repeatable field
    2. With focus on the (add new field) button, hit enter
  • Expected:
    • A new field should be added
    • The new field should have focus
  • Actions:
    1. Enter something in the new field
    2. Hit tab. The focus should now move to the "primary" area of the first repeated field
    3. Hit tab. The focus should now move to the text part of the first field
    4. Hit tab. The focus should now move to the "delete" symbol of the first field (in case you are testing a repeatable group, you will need to press tab several times to move through the fields to the delete symbol)
    5. Hit tab. The focus should now move to the text part of the secondary field
    6. Hit tab until you reach the  (add new field) button again
    7. With focus on the  (add new field) button, hit enter
  • Expected:
    • A new field should be added
    • The new field should have focus
  • Actions:
    1. Write something in the new field
    2. Tab or shift-tab to the field ordering numbers
    3. Hit Enter. This should mark this field as primary
    4. Press tab until you have focus on the  delete field button, hit enter
  • Expected
    • The newly created field should be deleted
    • Focus should be moved to the text part of the last field on the list
    • This field should also be marked as primary

Test 35: Spend 3 minutes trying to break something!

  • Spend a few minutes forcing the program to expose buggy behavior by:
    • using the system in ways not covered by the testplan
    • using the system in unexpected ways
    • doing whatever you can think of that will produce bugs and unexpected behavior.
    • Be creative!
    • feel free to extend this to behavior related to this testplan