Report Repository

Report Repository

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Name - click link for DetailsContextJRXML Link
Annual AcquisitionsTools Menu
Current Location 1

Storage Location Authority Term, Tools Menu

Condition Report for Exhibitions


Deed of Gift Summary 1Acquisition
Deed of Gift Detail 1Acquisition
Object Tombstone with Image 1Cataloging


Name - click link for DetailsContextJRXML LinkContributor
Incoming Loan Agreement - OHCLoans In, Tools Menu (single record)
Ohio History Connection
Outgoing Loan Agreement - OHCLoans Out, Tools Menu (single record)
Ohio History Connection
Deed of Gift for Permanent Collection - OHCAcquisition, Tools Menu (single record)
Ohio History Connection
Deed of Gift for Education Collection - OHCAcquisition, Tools Menu (single record)

Reports in CollectionSpace

Name - click link for details: Click the name of the report to view a detailed summary of the report's contents, including a list of all fields returned.

Context: CollectionSpace reports may be run via the User Interface (UI) or via the third-party application Jasper. Within the UI, reports can be accessed via the right sidebar of individual procedural records, the right sidebar of search results (coming soon), or the Reports admin tab (coming soon). If a report can be run from other procedures, that is also noted in the context column.

Core / Contributed: Core reports are either installed and can be run via the UI by default, or can be run via Jasper against the standard configuration of CollectionSpace. Contributed reports have been developed by CollectionSpace implementers, and may need some configuration to run against a different implementer's instance of CollectionSpace.

JRXML Link: Jasper Reports are saved as .jrxml files, which are then either added to CollectionSpace or run via Jasper Reports. All CollectionSpace JRXML files are stored in GitHub, and accessible via the link.

Contributor: If a report was contributed by a CollectionSpace implementer, that implementer is credited here.

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