Loans In Review and Comment Page - Herbaria Extension

Loans In Review and Comment Page - Herbaria Extension

Review and Comment Instructions

This Review and Comment page is for the LOAN IN PROCEDURE. The loan in procedure manages and documents the borrowing of objects for which the organization is responsible for a specific period of time and for a specified purpose, normally exhibition/display, but including research, conservation, education or photography/publication.

  1. Review the fields present in the schema below, and ask the following questions in relation to your organization:
    1. Is this procedure necessary to manage my collections?
    2. If so, are all the fields needed to manage my collection present? If not, what would we need to add?
    3. Are there field that are not useful? If so, what would we delete?
  2. Contribute your comments to the project team via the comment box at the bottom of this page
  3. Stay tuned for further iterations as community critiques are factored in

Screenshots (click for full size)


Schema: View below or view Excel version of configuration, items returned extension, and items transferred out extension

CSpace Information Group CSpace Field NameHerbaria Field NameCSpace Field Definition CSpace Field Type Field Repeatable? Group Repeatable? Controlled List Contents
Loan in information Loan in number Lender's No.The unique number assigned to the loan of objects from outside the organization. Controlled number No   
 Loan purpose Loan purposeThis field indicates the purpose of the loan of the object. Controlled list; staticNo  exhibition; research; scientific or exhibit preparation; analysis; photography; conservation or other requested services; long term collections management and storage
 Lender LenderThe details of a People, Person or Organization lending an object to the organization. Name authority: All No Yes  
 Lender's authorizer Lender's authorizerThe name of a member of staff of the lending institution giving final approval for the loan in to proceed. Name authority: Person No   
 Lender's authorization date Authorization dateThe date on which the lender's authorizer gives approval for a loan in to proceed. Calendar date No   
 Lender's contact Lender's contactThe details of a Person designated by the lender of an object to be responsible for dealing with the loan on their behalf. Name authority: Person No   
 Borrower's contact Borrower's contactThe name of the Person assigned responsibility for managing a loan in on behalf of the organization. Name authority: Person No No  
 Borrower's authorizerBorrower's authorizerThe name of a member of staff of the borrowing institution giving final approval for the loan in to proceed. Name authority: Person No   
 Borrower's authorization date Borrower's authorization dateThe date on which the borrower's authorizer gives approval for a loan in to proceed. Calendar date No   
 Loan in conditions Loan in conditionsConditions applying to objects as part of the loan in agreement, including conditions for deposition of archaeological archives. Text No   
 Loan in note Loan in noteGeneral information about a loan in. Text No   
 New fieldMajor group Controlled list; staticNo spermatophytes; pteridophytes; algae; bryophytes; fungi; lichen; n/a; misc
 New fieldGeography TextYes  
 New fieldTaxonomy Taxon authorityYes  
 New fieldObject kind Controlled list; staticYes sheet; jar
 Loan status      
 Loan status Laon statusThe stage in the Loans in procedure which the entire loan out has reached. Controlled list; staticNo Yes active; active (all in); active (all out); active (discrepancy); active (partial); active (unknown); agreed; authorized; cancelled; cancelled (all in); cancelled (all out); cancelled (discrepancy); cancelled (partial); cancelled (unknown); conservation; photography requested; refused; renewed; requested; returned; sent
 Loan status date Loan status dateThe date on which a Loan in status was recorded. Calendar date No   
 Loan status note Loan status noteNote about the status of a loan. Text No   
 Loan in date Loan in dateThe date a loan will enter the institution. Calendar date No   
 New fieldDue date Calendar dateNo  
 Loan renewal application date Loan renewal application dateThe date to apply for a renewal to the loan in. Calendar date No   
 New fieldLoan shipped date Calendar dateNo  
 Loan return date Loan return dateThe date a loan is due back to the lending organization. Calendar date No   
  Transfer in      
 New fieldDate Calendar dateNoNo 
 New fieldFrom Name authority: InstitutionNo  
 New fieldPrevious borrower Name authority: PersonNo  
CSpace Information Group CSpace Field NameHerbaria Field NameCSpace Field Definition CSpace Field Type Field Repeatable? Group Repeatable? Controlled List Contents
New group: Items returned Items returned     
 New fieldDate Calendar dateNoYes 
 New fieldQuantity NumberNo  
 New fieldNotes TextNo  
CSpace Information Group CSpace Field NameHerbaria Field NameCSpace Field Definition CSpace Field Type Field Repeatable? Group Repeatable? Controlled List Contents
New group: Items transferred outNew fieldDate Calendar date   
 New fieldQuantity Number   
 New fieldInstitution Name authority: Institution   
 New fieldFor study by Name authority: Person   
 New fieldUnder direction of Name authority: Person   
 New fieldNotes Text   
 New field[Transferred items returned] Date Calendar date   
 New fieldQuantity Number   
 New fieldNotes Text