CDWA Name Authority Schema
Please note that this schema is no longer current. See: Name Authority Schema for the updated version.
Information Unit |
Definition |
Field Type |
Repeatable |
Example |
Person Authority Record Type |
A term distinguishing records for persons from those for corporate bodies, which are groups of people, not necessarily legally incorporated. |
Controlled text |
no |
Person/Corporate Body Name |
Proper names, appellations, pseudonyms, nicknames, or other identifying phrases by which an individual, group of people, or corporate body is known. |
Text |
yes |
> Preference |
An indication of whether the name is the preferred name for the person or corporate body; the preferred name is generally the indexing form of the name that is most commonly found in scholarly literature. |
Controlled text |
no |
preferred, variant |
> Name Type |
An indication of the type of name, to be used if the authority is intended to be compliant with standards for thesaurus construction. |
Controlled text |
no |
descriptor, used for term |
> Name Qualifier |
Word or phrase used as necessary to provide clarification or disambiguation. |
Text |
no |
> Name Language |
An indication of the language of the name, particularly when the name is in a language other than the language of the catalog record. |
Controlled list |
no |
> Historical Flag |
Flag indicating the historical status of the name. |
Controlled list |
no |
current, historical |
> Display Name Flag |
Flag designating whether or not the name is to be used in natural order displays or in an alphabetical list. |
Controlled list |
no |
index, display |
> Other Name Flags |
Flags designating an official name, pseudonym, and other special name designations for the person or corporate body. |
Controlled list |
no |
official name, pseudonym |
> Name Source |
A reference to a bibliographic source or unpublished document that provides the warrant for a particular name. |
Authority |
yes |
>> Page |
Page number, volume, date accessed for Web sites, and any other information indicating where in the source the name was found. |
Text |
no |
> Name Date |
A description of the date or range of dates when a particular name was in use for the person or corporate body; to be used only when significant, not to simply record the dates of use of a name given at birth. |
Text |
no |
>> Earliest Date |
The earliest date on which a particular name was used. |
Date |
no |
>> Latest Date |
The latest date on which a particular name was used, which is generally not the same as the death date for a person or date of dissolution of a corporate body. |
Date |
no |
Display Biography |
A description of the the individual's or corporate body's nationality, professional roles, and dates. |
Text |
no |
Birth Date |
The date when the person was born, or when a corporate body came into existence. If only the date of first activity is known, or if the date of birth is uncertain or approximate, this is the earliest possible or estimated year when the artist was born or the corporate body came into existence. |
Date |
no |
Death Date |
The date when the person died, or when a corporate body ceased to exist. If only the date of last activity is known, or if the date of death is uncertain or approximate, this is the latest possible or estimated year when the artist died or the corporate body ceased to exist. |
Date |
no |
Birth Place |
The geographic place where the person was born, or the location where the corporate body was established. For the headquarters or permanent location of the corporate body, use Event = location. |
Authority |
no |
Death Place |
The geographic place where the person died, or the location where the corporate body last existed or was headquartered. For the headquarters or permanent location of the corporate body, use Event = location. |
Authority |
no |
Person Nationality/Culture/Race |
The national, geopolitical, cultural, or ethnic origins or affiliation of the person or corporate body. |
Authority |
yes |
> Preference |
An indication of whether the Nationality/Culture/Race is preferred or non preferred for this person or corporate body. |
Controlled list |
no |
> Nationality/Culture Type |
A more specific indication of the type of values recorded in Nationality/Culture/Race. |
Controlled list |
no |
Gender |
The sex of the individual; generally not applicable to corporate bodies. |
Controlled list |
no |
Life Roles |
The major professional roles played by the person throughout his or her lifetime, or the major roles that define the activities or purpose of the corporate body. |
Controlled list |
yes |
> Preference |
An indication of whether the the role is preferred or non preferred for the person or corporate body. |
Controlled list |
no |
> Role Date |
A description of the date or range of dates when the role was relevant. |
Text |
no |
>> Earliest Date |
The earliest date when the role was relevant. |
Date |
no |
>> Latest Date |
The latest date when the role was relevant. |
Date |
no |
Person/Corporate Body Event |
Terminology referring to a critical event, activity, state or status, or situation in the person's life or the corporate body's history including active, baptism (e.g., when the Birth Date is unknown), participation in competitions, or location (i.e., flourished) of a corporate body. Events must be accompanied by a date or a geographic place. |
Controlled list |
yes |
active, flourished, wedding |
> Event Date |
A description of the date or range of dates when the event took place or the state, status, or situation was in effect. |
Text |
no |
>> Earliest Date |
The earliest date applicable to the event. |
Date |
no |
>> Latest Date |
The latest date applicable to the event. |
Date |
no |
> Event Place |
The geographic place where the event took place or the state or status (e.g., location) was in effect. |
Authority |
no |
Related Person/Corporate Body |
The identification of any people or corporate bodies who are professionally important to the person or corporate body being cataloged, including student/teacher relationships, relationships between family members who are creators, or relationships between a firm or studio and its members. |
Authority |
yes |
> Person Relationship Type |
An indication of the type of relationship between the person or corporate body and the related person or corporate body. |
Controlled list |
no |
> Person Relationship Date |
A description of the date or range of dates associated with the relationship between the person or corporate body being cataloged and the related person or corporate body. |
Text |
no |
>> Earliest Date |
The earliest date when the relationship could have been in place. |
Date |
no |
>> Latest Date |
The latest date when the relationship could have been in place. |
Date |
no |
Person/Corporate Body Broader Context |
An identification of the broader contexts for the corporate body, relevant only if the corporate body is administratively part of a larger entity. Ideally this is a hierarchical link. Not applicable to records for individual people. |
Auto |
no |
> Broader Context Date |
A description of the date or range of dates associated with the hierarchical relationship between the corporate body being cataloged and the related corporate body. |
Text |
no |
>> Earliest Date |
The earliest date when the hierarchical relationship could have been in place. |
Date |
no |
>> Latest Date |
The latest date when the hierarchical relationship could have been in place. |
Date |
no |
Personl/Corporate Body Label/Identification |
A label or heading to identify the person or corporate body in displays. |
Auto |
no |
Person/Corporate Body Descriptive Note |
Additional information about the artist, architect, or corporate body, including a discussion of his or her life and artistic development, particularly noting any controversies or issues, presented in a form to be displayed to end users. |
Text |
yes |
> Note Source |
A reference to a bibliographic source or unpublished document that supplied information in the DESCRIPTIVE NOTE. |
Authority |
no |
>> Page |
Page number, volume, date accessed for Web sites, and any other information indicating where in the source the information was found. |
Text |
no |
Remarks |
Notes or comments about information in the person or corporate body record. |
Text |
yes |
Citations |
A reference to a bibliographic source, unpublished document, or individual opinion that provides the basis for the information recorded in this authority record. |
Authority |
yes |
> Page |
Page number, volume, date accessed for Web sites, and any other information indicating where in the source the information was found. |
Text |
no |
Personal Authority Record ID |
A number used to uniquely identify the Person/Corporate Body Authority record to the computer system. |
Auto |
no |