Loans In Requirements

Loans In Requirements


Managing and documenting the borrowing of objects for which the organization is responsible for a specific period of time and for a specified purpose, normally exhibition/display, but including research, conservation, education or photography/publication.


  • Establish the purpose of the loan;
  • Enable at least the same care of the borrowed object as if it were part of the permanent collections;
  • Include written agreements signed by both borrower and lender before the loan commences, as appropriate to the collection;
  • Ensure that the terms and conditions of loan are adhered to;
  • Ensure that all loans are for fixed periods;
  • Ensure a written record of the loan is retained;
  • Enable effective control of the loan process;
  • Enable the provision of information about the borrower and the loan as requested by the lender;
  • Provide insurance or indemnity cover for the loan period;
  • Ensure that up-to-date information about the location of borrowed objects is maintained;
  • Ensure that up-to-date information about the security of borrowed objects is maintained;
  • Ensure that up-to-date information about the physical well-being of borrowed objects is maintained, including the environment and condition of the objects.

Standards, Guidelines + Use Cases

Use Cases and Community Design Workshop Notes

AMNH Paleo Portal: Lending

CHIN Humanities Data Dictionary: Loans

Matters in Media Art: Loans

Spectrum Procedure: Loans In

User Story Summaries

Loan Stories

Definition and requirements from:
Spectrum Version 3.1
Created and Maintained by CollectionsTrust