Use of Collections Requirements

Use of Collections Requirements


The management and documentation of all uses of and services based on collections and objects in the organisation. These include exhibition and display, education handling collections and the operation of objects, research and enquiries, reproduction and the commercial use of objects and associated documentary archives. Users include staff (and volunteers) or the public, whether in person, by letter, telephone or any other means of communication.


  • Enable the use of objects by internal and external users for such purposes as research, display
    and operation;
  • Enable effective control of access to the collections and information associated with them;
  • Enable the planning and scheduling for the use of objects;
  • Ensure continuous accountability for objects and associated documentary records;
  • Add significant information derived from research to the catalogue, and make important results
    public through publication, exhibition or other means as and when appropriate;
  • Maintain a record of use and users associated with the collections;
  • Ensure that details of use are accessed by a relevant object number.

Standards, Guidelines + Use Cases

Use Cases and Community Design Workshop Notes

Spectrum Procedure: Use of Collections


Use of Collections Schema

Definition and requirements from:
Spectrum Version 3.1
Created and Maintained by CollectionsTrust