Scientific Taxonomy Authority schema
Information Group |
Information Unit |
Definition |
Field Type |
Field Repeatable |
Group Repeatable |
Taxon information |
Taxon display name |
The name of the taxon as seen by the end user. Recommendation: Use this field for the full name with author to help disambiguate terms with the same name. |
Text |
No |
Yes |
> Term Formatted Display Name |
A representation of the display name with rich text formatting, for onscreen display and/or printing, via the use of HTML or other markup; for instance, for italicizing or boldfacing distinct parts of the display name. Field introduced in version 3.2.1 |
Text |
No |
> Term Name |
Another form of the name available in the Taxonomy record editor. Recommendation: Use this field for an abbreviated form of the name (minus authors) that can be used in certain reports. |
Text |
No |
> Term Language |
An indication of the language of the term, particularly when the term is in a language other than the language of the catalog record. Recommendation: Hide this field because taxonomy has established international nomenclature standards. |
Controlled list |
No |
> Term Preferred for Language |
Flag indicating that the term is the preferred form for the term language. Recommendation: Hide this field because taxonomy has established international nomenclature standards. |
Check box |
No |
> Term Type |
An indication of the type of term to be used if the authority is intended to be compliant with standards for thesaurus construction. Recommendation: Hide this field because taxonomy has established international nomenclature standards. |
Controlled list |
No |
> Term Qualifier |
Word or phrase used primarily to distinguish between homographs. |
Text |
No |
> Term Source |
A reference to a bibliographic source or unpublished document that provides the warrant for a particular term. (e.g., IPNI) |
Text |
No |
>> Term Source Unique ID |
Unique identifier assigned to the term by the source recorded in the Term Source field. Recommendation: Use this for the code available in the term source for this taxonomic term. (e.g. IPNI code) |
Text |
No |
>> Term Source Detail |
Page number, volume, date accessed for Web sites, and any other information indicating where in the source the term was found. Recommendation: Use this field for a globally unique identifier published by the source. |
Text |
No |
>> Term Source Note |
Notes or comments about the source |
Text |
No |
> Term Status |
A field noting the status of a term in a vocabulary, whether provisional or accepted. |
Controlled list |
No |
> Taxonomic Status |
Status in the literature, e.g., "valid", "invalid" |
Controlled list |
No |
Taxon rank |
The taxonomic rank of the item |
Controlled Text |
No |
Taxon currency |
How current is this form for the taxon |
Controlled Text |
No |
Author |
Person designated as author of taxon |
Name authority: Person |
No |
Yes |
>Author type |
parenthetical, ascribed, etc. |
Controlled Text |
No |
Taxon year |
Year taxon was named by author |
Year (4-digit) |
No |
Citation |
Publication that cites original taxon description |
Citation Authority |
Yes |
Taxon note |
General notes |
Text |
No |
Named Hybrid |
Indicates this is a named hybrid accepted in the literature |
Boolean |
No |
Common Name |
Common names associated with this scientific name |
Common Names vocabulary (taxon-common) |
Yes |
> Common Name Language |
An indication of the language of the common name |
Controlled list |
No |
> Common Name Source |
A reference to a bibliographic source or unpublished work documenting that this common name applies to this scientific name |
Citation Authority |
No |
> Common Name Source Detail |
Page number, volume, date accessed for Web sites, and any other information indicating where in the source the term was found. |
Text |
No |
Hierarchy |
Taxon broader context |
The parent taxon |
Scientific Taxonomy authority item |
No |
Taxon narrower context |
Child taxa |
Scientific Taxonomy authority item |
Yes |
Related Taxon |
An identification of a related taxon |
Scientific Taxonomy authority item |
No |
Yes |
> Related Taxon type of relation |
An identify of the type of relationship between terms |
Controlled list |
No |
Hybrid Parent |
Parent taxon for named hybrid |
Scientific Taxonomy authority item |
No |
Yes |
> Hybrid Parent Type |
Describes the type of hybrid parent |
Controlled List |
No |
Controlled text contents
Field |
Value(s) |
Default Value |
Term Type |
descriptor, alternate descriptor, used for term |
none |
static |
Term Language |
Standard Language Term List |
none |
dynamic |
Term status |
accepted; provisional; rejected; under review |
none |
static |
Taxon rank |
domain, kingdom, phylum, division, family, class, order, genus, species (may be modified per domain, for sub and super ranks) |
none |
Taxon Currency |
current, obsolete, archaic |
current |
static |
Author type |
parenthetical, ascribed |
none |
static |
Taxonomic status |
valid, invalid, accepted, misapplied name |
valid |
static |
Common name language |
Standard Language Term List |
none |
dynamic |
Summary fields
Context |
Fields |
header |
Taxon display name |
right sidebar under "terms used" |
Taxon display name, Vocabulary type, Field used in |
right sidebar under "usage" |
Taxon display name, Vocabulary type, Field used in |
search results |
Taxon display name, Vocabulary name |
secondary tab |
n/a |