Dashboard Requirements
Dashboard Requirements
The dashboard serves as the front page to the CollectionSpace system, and as a user's personalized workspace. Users can use the dashboard to manage notifications, workflow tasks, and scheduled reports, and as a gateway to additional system functionality.
The key requirement of the dashboard is that it be customizable. Institutions may allow or disallow the use of certain features and functions, and some users may choose to bypass the dashboard altogether. The dashboard should:
Phase I Requirements
- Allow users to view recently updated records (object, procedural, organizational)
- Allow users to view saved reports and regularly-scheduled reports
- Allow users to view saved search strings
- Allow users to see personal groups
- Be subject to the same permissions and roles as the rest of the system
Phase II Requirements (potential)
- Be able to be personalized by the system administrator and the user
- Provide users with role-specific information, e.g. registrars may see a list of loans to be returned or renewed
- Allow users to create and save notes
- Allow users to receive notifications from other system users
- Allow users to access contact information for other system users
Sakai 3.0 (screencast)