Name Authority Search Schema

Person Information

Information Group


KSS Crosswalk

CDWA Crosswalk


Field Type

Person Information

Term display name


Should search the following fields: Display name, forename, middle name, surname.

Name authority: Person


Term status



A field noting the status of a term in a vocabulary, whether provisional or accepted

Controlled list


Person's birth date

Birth date

Birth Date

The date on which a Person was born.

Date range


Person's death date

Deceased date

Death Date

The date on which a Person died.

Date range


Person's group


Person Nationality/Culture/Race

The group (social, ethnic, cultural) to which a person belongs or which he/she identifies him/herself.

Concept authority


Person's nationality



A Person's official current nationality.



Person's gender



The sex of the individual.

Controlled list


Person's occupation


Life Roles

The occupation or employment of a Person.

Concept authority


Person's school/style



The primary styles in which a Person worked.

Concept authority

Record information

Full text



A search of all fields in the record.



Edit date



A search on the edit date of the record.

Date range


Edit username



A search on the users who edited a record.

Controlled list

Organization Information

Information Group


KSS Crosswalk

CDWA Crosswalk


Field Type

Organization Information

Term display name


The term that displays in search results / reports. May potentially be comprised of data from fields such as primary name, foundation date, and dissolution date.

Name authority: organization


Term status



A field noting the status of a term in a vocabulary, whether provisional or accepted

Controlled list


Organization's foundation date


Birth Date

The date on which an organization formally came into being.

Date range


Organization's dissolution date


Death Date

The date on which an organization formally ceased to be. This may be the date on which it was taken over or wound up.

Date range


Organization's foundation place


Birth Place

Information about the place where an Organization came into being.

Place authority


Organization's group


Organization Nationality/Culture/Race

The socio, socio professional, ethnic or culture group to which the Organization belongs.

Concept authority


Organization's function


Life Roles

The activities which make up the main business of an Organization.

Concept authority

Record information

Full text



A search of all fields in the record.



Edit date



A search on the edit date of the record.

Date range


Edit username



A search on the users who edited a record.

Controlled list