Media Meeting Notes 6-28-10
Media Meeting Notes 6-28-10
- Need new stories clarifying use/generation of preview and thumbnail versions of images
- Clarify how/which dimensions are pulled from metadata vs. those that are user entered (add "pulled from file to schema for dimension and format)
- Do we want to support zoom in 1.0?
- User story for UX - what happens if a derivative isn't ready yet?
- What constraints are on the schema before and after an image is uploaded. E.g. what can be written to before upload, what after, are some elements write once?
- Should the filename include the path? Two fields (one for filename, one for original path)
- Clarify workflow (e.g. for 1.0, user first creates media record, then uploads media)
- New wireframe needed showing how brand new media record is created
, multiple selections available,