August 11 2009 Roles and Permissions Discussion Notes
Meeting attendees:
Sanjay Dalal
Nina Dinoff
Megan Forbes
Jesse Martinez
Richard Millet
Patrick Schmitz
Erin Yu
Difference between roles & permissions - role indicates a person's place in the institution, permissions indicate what a person is allowed to do within the system. A person may have multiple roles (administrator, registrar, etc.).
Difference between permissions and profile - a user profile includes information such as login name and password. Some of this information may be viewed/edited by the user. Permissions are set by the administrator, and may not be altered by a user.
Need to add to functional spec requirement for field-level permissions (as opposed to page level or procedural level)
Looking at the latest wireframes, several comments:
- Should add the option to give read or read write permission for all, and then take away select permissions
- Designers to work on additional methods of showing inherited vs. admin-selected permissions (e.g. if read/write is chosen for "object identification information," but then one field is made read only)
- Also need to figure out way to show not just what permission are associated with each role, but which roles are associated with each permission (or field)