Data Update Requirements

Data Update Requirements

Please note this is a placeholder page and will be expanded with more specific details as we move closer to design/development of these features.

Search & Replace

Short description: The ability to search for a specific value in a specific field, and replace it with a different value.

Example/User story: Find all instances of the term "Velcro" in the Material field in Object Cataloging, and replace it with "hook and loop closure"

Batch Edit

Short description: The ability to edit a set number of fields across a given set of records in a spreadsheet-like interface.

Example/User story: Cataloger has a box of photographs which have been cataloged at the tombstone level only. Cataloger can use advanced search to find all Object Cataloging records, and then choose a set of fields to edit. Fields appear in a spreadsheet-like interface, with existing values appearing. Cataloger can enter or edit data in any displayed field for any record, and then save all.

Bulk Cataloging

Short description: The ability to create a number of new Object Cataloging records with the same data using a given range of Object IDs.