PostgreSQL Installation under Linux
Installing the PostgreSQL Server
We highly recommend that you install the latest available, stable version of PostgreSQL, if it is available to you via your Linux package manager. (There are sufficient advantages to running latest available versions that in many cases, it may be desirable to install PostgreSQL in some way other than via a package manager, if the latter restricts you to an older version. See PostgreSQL Installation - Windows, Mac OS X, Generic Linux for one such option.)
The current major version of PostgreSQL available through many package managers, as of this writing, is 9.4. (See also the PostgreSQL-related recommendations from Nuxeo, the vendor of the content management system used by CollectionSpace.)
Apt Package Manager (Debian and Ubuntu)
Ubuntu 16.04
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Setting up the PostgreSQL Server
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Tuning the database is OPTIONAL! CollectionSpace will run even if none of the steps below are carried out. They are merely steps to tweak the database and improve performance when running with CollectionSpace (Nuxeo)
The below is a condensed version of the instructions on Nuxeo's Configuring PostgreSQL page. If you want more details than are given below, please refer to that page.
More generically, the PostgreSQL wiki page on Tuning Your PostgreSQL Server may also be helpful.
Tuning takes place in postgresql.conf - the location differ among OS' flavours. Some examples are:
- Debian/Ubuntu:
For example, for Debian/Ubuntu:
vim /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/postgresql.conf
Edit the following value in that file:
shared_buffers = 512MB
Now on the command line, set the kernel.shmmax value.. This value should at least be shared_buffer + 128MB
sysctl kernel.shmmax=650000000
If you get an error, you need to up the value of kernel.shmax
You need to register the final value of shmmax:
Open /etc/sysctl.conf
vim /etc/sysctl.conf
and add the following line - replacing the value with the value you set on for shmmax:
kernel.shmmax = 650000000
finally set effective cache_size:
Do this by running (and printing stats in megabytes):
free -m
This will give you an output like so:
free -m total used free shared buffers cached Mem: 4096 3302 793 0 253 1226 -/+ buffers/cache: 1822 2273 Swap: 511 216 295
find your effective cache_size by adding the number under buffers and cached. In the above example:
To this number you add the shared_buffers value .. so we get a total of:
1479+512=1991 ~ 2GB
again edit postgres conf
vim /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/postgresql.conf
and set effective cache size to the value you found in the previous steps.
effective_cache_size = 2GB
Also set the following values:
work_mem = 16MB # min 64kB maintenance_work_mem = 32MB # min 1MB random_page_cost = 2.0
restart for changes to take effect
/etc/init.d/postgresql restart
service postgresql restart
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