UCJEPS-CSpace 2.3 schema changes
Note: Add all new fields to naturalhistory schema unless otherwise noted.
4/20 add: See new additions in Object Identification information group
Information Group |
Information Unit |
Definition |
Field type |
Repeatable |
Set repeatable |
Notes |
Object Identification Information |
Add: Filed in Cabinet (basicStorageLocation, naturalhistory) |
Simple storage location in case specimen is no in expected location |
Tie to Taxonomy authority |
no |
4/20 add: Hybrid Name (hybridName) |
Hybrid plant name based on hybrid parents. Might be derived by javascript one day |
string |
Group header text not needed. |
4/20 add: Hybrid Parents (hybridParentList?) |
repeating field group |
yes |
4/20 add: Hybrid Parent (hybridParentTaxon) |
Parent taxon. |
Tie to default taxonomy authority and to new taxon-unverified |
no |
4/20 add: Qualifier (hybridParentQualifier) |
Parent taxonomy modifier, use same values that are in Determination: Qualifier. |
no |
Type Specimen |
Note make whole group repeatable |
Add: Assertion By (typeSpecimenAssertionBy) |
Person or persons who made the assertion that this specimen is a type |
Tie to Org-Collector |
no |
Add: Verified Basionym (typeSpecimenBasionym) |
Taxonomic name at the time of the assertion (often different from current or preferred name) |
Tie to Taxonomy authority |
no |
Donor fields |
Donor (donor) |
Source of specimen |
Org-Institution authority |
Donor Date (donorDateGroup, structured) |
Date of donation |
Structured date |
Donor Note (donorNote) |
Note about donation |
Text |
Field Collection Information |
Add: Field Collection Number Assignor (fieldCollectionNumberAssignor) |
Collector responsible for assigning field collection number. Often indicates which field notebook has more notes about this specimen. |
Tie to Org-Collector |
no |
Locality Information |
(new section pulling out many fields from Field Collection Information) |
yes |
Field Collection Place (fieldLocPlace) |
Exists in core but not exposed currently. Make it visible and tie to Place authority. This needs to be a new field, because there is no way to move fieldCollectionPlace in the common schema into the repeating group we're creating in the naturalhistory schema. |
Place authority |
Add: Verbatim coords (vCoordinates) |
Verbatim coordinates from Label, especially if in other formats (TRS, Meridian) |
text |
Add: Verbatim latitude (vLatitude) |
text |
Add: Verbatim longitude (vLongitude) |
text |
Exists (maybe with different name, these are from Place)? Coordinate system (vCoordSys) |
static list |
Add: Verbatim SRS (vSpatialReferenceSystem) |
static list |
Exists? Decimal latitude (decimalLatitude) |
decimal number |
Exists? Decimal longitude (decimalLongitude) |
decimal number |
Add: Uncertainty (coordUncertainty) |
text |
Add: Uncertainty units (coordUncertaintyUnit) |
static list (or dynamic of measurement units is appropriate) |
Add: Depth (vDepth) |
text |
Exists? Min (minDepth) |
? |
Exists? Max (maxDepth) |
? |
Add: Depth Unit (depthUnit) |
static list (or dynamic of measurement units is appropriate) |
Add: Elevation (vElevation) |
text |
Exists? Min (minElevation) |
? |
Exist? Max (maxElevation) |
? |
Add: Unit (elevationUnit) |
static list (or dynamic of measurement units is appropriate) |
Add: Distance Above Surface (vDistanceAboveSurface) |
text |
Add: Min (minDistanceAboveSurface) |
? |
Add: Max (maxDistanceAboveSurface) |
? |
Add: Unit (distanceAboveSurfaceUnit) |
static list (or dynamic of measurement units is appropriate) |
Add: Locality Note (localityNote) |
Add: Locality Source (localitySource) |
Reference information for Locality |
Text for now; tie to Citation eventually |
Add: Source Detail (localitySourceDetail) |
Additional information (page numbers, figures) for the full citation. |
Text |
Add: Pt. radius sp. fit (pointRadiusSpatialFit) |
Text |
Add: Footprint WKT (footprintWKT) |
Text |
Add: Footprint SRS (footprintSRS) |
Text |
Add: Footprint sp. fit (footprintSpatialFit) |
Text |
Add: Precision (coordPrecision) |
Text |
Add: Georeferenced By (geoReferencedBy) |
Text or some authority?? |
Add: Georeference Date (geoRefDateGroup, structured) |
Structured date |
Add: Protocol (geoRefProtocol) |
Static list |
Add: Georef Source (geoRefSource) |
Text for now, Citation eventually |
Add: Verification (geoRefVerificationStatus) |
Static list |
Add: Remarks (geoRefRemarks) |
Text |
Add: Georeference place name (geoRefPlaceName) |
Text |
Object Description Information |
Pending add: Name on Label (taxonOnLabel) |
Boolean to indicate whether the taxonomic name of the specimen is visible on sheet label |
Boolean |
Pending add: Data in Packet (dataInPacket) |
Boolean to indicate whether information is stored in a packet attached to sheet |
Boolean |
Add: Cultivated (cultivated) |
Boolean to indicate whether source of specimen is cultivated |
Boolean |
Loan Out
Note: Add all new fields to naturalhistory schema unless otherwise noted.
Information Group |
Information Unit |
Definition |
Field type |
Repeatable |
Set repeatable |
Notes |
Loan Out Information |
Add: Collection (collection) |
Collection to which lent items belong |
Static list |
Values: UC, JEPS |
Add: Geography (geographyList) |
General geographic area from which lent items were collected |
Text |
yes |
Add: Taxonomy (taxonomyList) |
Taxa of specimens being lent |
Tie to |
yes |
Add: Shipping form date (shipDate) |
Date specimens were shipped to borrower |
Date |
Add: Transportation (transportMethod) |
Means by which specimens were shipped |
Static list |
UI values: surface, hand-carried, air (convert existing data values: 1,2,3) |
Add: Acknowledge Date |
Date receipt of specimens was acknowledged by the |
Date |
Add: objKindList |
Kinds of objects in loan (sheets, jars) |
Static list |
yes |
Add: numPackages |
Number of packages being shipped |
Int |
Sub-group: Manual |
Add: Lent (numLent) |
Number of specimens lent |
Integer |
Add: Returned (numReturned) |
Number of items returned to date |
Integer |
Could calculate one day from Loan Return Items, but manually entered for now |
Add: Balance (balance) |
Number of items still on loan to borrower |
Integer |
Can we calculate this and make it read-only (loanoutNumLent-loanoutNumReturned)? Only if it adds no time :-) |
Add: Discrepancy (discrepancy) |
A fudge factor field for the case in which there is an |
Integer |
Loan Transfers |
Transfer of items already on loan to another institution |
yes |
Add: Transfer Date (transferDate) |
Date of the transfer |
Date |
Add: To Institution (transferOrg) |
Institution to which the loaned specimens are transferred |
Org-institution |
Add: To Person (transferPerson) |
Contact person at transfer destination |
Person |
Add: Under direction of (transferDirector) |
Lender's authorizer |
Person authority |
Add: Quantity (transferQuantity) |
Number of items lent |
Integer |
Add: Notes (transferNotes) |
Notes |
Text |
Loan Out Items |
Specimens lent |
Yes |
Add: Object number(s) (objectNumbers) |
ID number(s) if item(s) lent |
Text |
Add: Quantity (objectQuantity) |
Number of items specified in the Object number(s) field |
Integer |
Default to 1? |
Add: Loan conditions (objectConditions) |
Conditions governing the loan of the items specified in the Object number(s) field |
Text |
Add: Notes (objectNotes) |
Notes about the object being lent |
Text |
Loan Return Items |
Specimens returned |
Yes |
Add: Object number(s) (returnObjectNumbers) |
ID number(s) if item(s) returned |
Text |
Add: Quantity (returnQuantity) |
Number of items specified in the Object number(s) field |
Integer |
Default to 1? |
Add: Return Date (returnDate) |
Date these items were returned |
Date |
Add: Notes (returnNotes) |
Notes |
Text |
Add: New Determination (returnDetermination) |
New determination coming back from loan |
Taxonomy authority (taxon-taxon) |