UCB CSpace Deployment priorities Nov 2011

UCB CSpace Deployment priorities Nov 2011

NOT CURRENT - See http://wiki.collectionspace.org/display/deploy/UCB+CSpace+Deployment+priorities+-+Jan+2012

These are generally in addition to the UCB priorities for CSpace Development (UCB requirements October 2011). That document identifies overlapping work such as how to import multi-value XML blocks.

Tasks with person (preliminary assignment) or TBD in parens are the highest priorities or sequentially must come first.  These will be moved into Jira starting the week of November 7, but people should start working as soon as possible.  I will be adding Ray Lee to some of these shortly.

  • 1.12 mini-build setup (Aron). Done and documented for future generations in CSPACE-4566
  • 1.8-1.12 upgrade best practices: When to copy, when to diff, what to paste, etc. (Aron, Rick, Glen, Ray).  Discussion held 4 November; approaches evolving.
  • 1.12 confirming ability to have three schema on records (beyond collectionobject) - core, domain, local (Aron, Rick, Glen, Michael). Aron to confirm in migrating NAGPRA Claim procedure to 1.12.
  • Set up dev.cspace.berkeley.edu server for testbed deployments for multiple tenants (Glen)
    • Set tenant ID's for UCB collections starting at 11?
    • Establish procedures and protocols for svn checkouts, updates, and commits.
  • Place authority: Work underway. Rick to work on app layer and UI.  Parent task is CSPACE-4391
  • XML import: Importing multiple multi-value/repeating XML blocks (Yuteh, Richard). Yuteh has developed a Java program for this and will continue to make it more generic for us to reuse.
  • Bot Garden: Upgrade services for 1.12 (TBD)
  • Bot Garden: Upgrade app layer for 1.12 (TBD)
  • Bot Garden: Upgrade UI for 1.12 (TBD)
  • Bot Garden data: ETL work on taxonomy, specimens (Lam)
  • MVZ fit-gap and planning (Chris, Lam)
  • Essig fit-gap (Chris, Joyce)
  • UCMP fit-gap (Chris, Joyce)
  • Multi-tenant dev server (Glen, Aron)
  • Release management: Tagging, branching, etc. (Glen)
  • Mapping and Place-related: John D to lead task teams on Place Authority, mapping (via Berkeley Mapper), and georeferencing