TMS to CSpace persons crosswalk

TMS to CSpace persons crosswalk

Table Columns CSpace destination Cleaned? Migrated? Mapping Notes
AltNumsAltNumObject Identification Information:Other numberno
EnteredDate—?—————no—?—Only if useful for versioning context.
ID• Custom field needed? see notes ——> WHERE TableID=23, use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person?s information
Where would an alternate name for a person or an organization go in CSpace?
LoginID—?—nonouse as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person's info

Only if useful for attribution content.

Remarks• Custom field needed?
EnteredDate—?—————no—?—Only if useful for versioning context.
ID1 ———— WHERE TableID=23, use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person?s information
ID2 ———— WHERE TableID=23, use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person?s information
LoginID—?—nonouse as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person's info

Only if useful for attribution content.

PrimaryParent WHERE TableID=23Is this parent (ID__) the primary parent person?
RelationshipID use as FK to Relationships.Relationship
Remarks Can CSpace handle free associations between objects (and other entities besides accessions?)
TableID————————————used with ID1 (above)
ConAddressActive—?— —?—
AddressFormatID use as FK to AddressFormats to determine whether to use US (1), UK (2), or EU (3) format. 0=unassigned
AddressTypeID Only use if there is useful information here (physical, mailing, web, or other address; current or past address)
BeginDateCustom field needed?
CityName Authority :Contact Information: Address -
ConstituentID use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person or organization info.
CountryID use as FK to Countries.___ to get country
DefaultBillingName Authority :Contact Information: Address type
DefaultMailingName Authority :Contact Information: Address type
DefaultShippingName Authority :Contact Information: Address type
DisplayAddress Is this just a reformat of other data?
DisplayName1Name Authority :Contact Information: Address -
place1 (verify)
DisplayName2Name Authority :Contact Information: Address -
place1 (verify)
EndDateCustom field needed?
EnteredDate—?—————no—?—Only if useful for versioning context.
LoginID—?—nonouse as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person's info

Only if useful for attribution content.

RankCustom field needed?
RemarksCustom field needed?
StateName Authority :Contact Information: Address -
StreetLine1Name Authority :Contact Information: Address - place1
StreetLine2Name Authority :Contact Information: Address - place2 concatenate with next
StreetLine3Name Authority :Contact Information: Address - place2 concatenate with previous
SysTimeStamp—?—————————————Only if useful for versioning context.
ZipCodeName Authority :Contact Information: Address - postcode
ConAltNamesConstituentID use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person info.
CultureGroupName Authority: Person information: Person?s group • Where do alternate culture group affiliations belong in CSpace?
EnteredDate—?—————no—?—Only if useful for versioning context.
FirstNamesee notes ——> • Where do alternate person names belong in CSpace?
Institutionsee notes ——> • Where do alternate organization names belong in CSpace?
LastNamesee notes ——> • Where do alternate person names belong in CSpace?
LoginID—?—nonouse as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person's info

Only if useful for attribution content.

MiddleNamesee notes ——> • Where do alternate person names belong in CSpace?
NameTitlesee notes ——> • Where do alternate person names belong in CSpace?
NameType import as controlled list?
Positionsee notes ——> • Where do alternate person names belong in CSpace?
Suffixsee notes ——> • Where do alternate person names belong in CSpace?
SysTimeStamp—?—————————————Only if useful for versioning context.
ConEMailConstituentID use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person info.
DescriptionName Authority :Contact Information: Email type import as controlled list
EMailAddressName Authority :Contact Information: Email
EnteredDate—?—————no—?—Only if useful for versioning context.
LoginID—?—nonouse as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person's info

Only if useful for attribution content.

SysTimeStamp—?—————————————Only if useful for versioning context.
ConPhonesConstituentID use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person info.
DescriptionName Authority :Contact Information: Telephone
number type
import as controlled list
EnteredDate—?—————no—?—Only if useful for versioning context.
LoginID—?—nonouse as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person's info

Only if useful for attribution content.

PhoneNumberName Authority :Contact Information: Telephone
SysTimeStamp—?—————————————Only if useful for versioning context.
ConstituentsActiveName Authority: Person information: Term
status ?
WHERE ConstituentTypeID=1verify
Approved Can be ignored? No useful information?
BeginDateName Authority: Person information: Person's birth dateno WHERE ConstituentTypeID=1
Name Authority: Organization information: Organization's
founding date
no WHERE ConstituentTypeID !=1
BiographyName Authority: Person information: Person's
biographical note
WHERE ConstituentTypeID=1
Name Authority: Organization information: Organization's
WHERE ConstituentTypeID !=1
ConstituentTypeID WHERE ConstituentTypeID=1Record is for an individual
WHERE ConstituentTypeID !=1Record is for an organization (business, tribe, museum, foundation, government agency, etc.). Should
"estate" be treated as an individual or as an organization?
CultureGroupName Authority: Person information: Person?s group WHERE ConstituentTypeID=1
Name Authority: Organization information: Organizations's
WHERE ConstituentTypeID !=1
DisplayNameName Authority: Person information: Display name WHERE ConstituentTypeID=1
WHERE ConstituentTypeID !=1
EndDateName Authority: Person information: Person's death date WHERE ConstituentTypeID=1
WHERE ConstituentTypeID !=1
EnteredDate—?—————no—?—Only if useful for versioning context.
FirstNameName Authority: Person information: Person's forenames WHERE ConstituentTypeID=1will be concatenated with middle name
Name Authority: Person information: Person's forenames WHERE ConstituentTypeID !=1If personal name info is entered when ConstituentTypeID !=1, the record will need to be parsed into: 1) a person record; 2) an
organization record; and 3) a relationship (position) between the two records.
Institution WHERE ConstituentTypeID=1
WHERE ConstituentTypeID !=1
LastNameName Authority: Person information: Person's surname WHERE ConstituentTypeID=1
Name Authority: Person information: Person's surname WHERE ConstituentTypeID !=1If personal name info is entered when ConstituentTypeID !=1, the record will need to be parsed into: 1) a person record; 2) an
organization record; and 3) a relationship (position) between the two records.
LoginID—?—nonouse as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person's info

Only if useful for attribution content.

MiddleNameName Authority: Person information: Person's
WHERE ConstituentTypeID=1will be concatenated with first name
Name Authority: Person information: Person's forenames WHERE ConstituentTypeID !=1If personal name info is entered when ConstituentTypeID !=1, the record will need to be parsed into: 1) a person record; 2) an
organization record; and 3) a relationship (position) between the two records.
MTB_BirthPlaceName Authority: Person information: Person's place
of birth
WHERE ConstituentTypeID=1
WHERE ConstituentTypeID !=1
MTB_DeathPlaceName Authority: Person information: Person's
place of death
WHERE ConstituentTypeID=1is currently empty, but should map
WHERE ConstituentTypeID !=1is currently empty, but should map
MTB_GenderName Authority: Person information: Person's gender WHERE ConstituentTypeID=1
MTB_OccupationName Authority: Person information: Person's
WHERE ConstituentTypeID !=1
NameTitleName Authority: Person information: Person's title (verify) WHERE ConstituentTypeID=1
Name Authority: Person information: Person's title (verify) WHERE ConstituentTypeID !=1If personal name info is entered when ConstituentTypeID !=1, the record will need to be parsed into: 1) a person record; 2) an
organization record; and 3) a relationship (position) between the two records.
NationalityName Authority: Person information: Person's nationality WHERE ConstituentTypeID=1
WHERE ConstituentTypeID !=1
Position WHERE ConstituentTypeID=1
WHERE ConstituentTypeID !=1If a position is entered when ConstituentTypeID !=1, the position should be associated with the derivative
person record.
PublicAccess Can be ignored? No useful information?
PublicAccessOld Can be ignored? No useful information?
RemarksName Authority: Person information: Person's name notes WHERE ConstituentTypeID=1
WHERE ConstituentTypeID !=1
Salutation WHERE ConstituentTypeID=1is currently empty, but should map
WHERE ConstituentTypeID !=1If a salutation is entered when ConstituentTypeID !=1, the salutation should be associated with the
derivative person record.
Schoolschool or style is currently empty, but should map
SysTimeStamp—?—————————————Only if useful for versioning context.
ConXrefsActive—?— —?—
ConstituentID WHERE TableID=47 and RoleID= xxx, use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person?s info.
WHERE TableID=81 and RoleID= xxx, use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person?s info.
(donor) WHERE TableID=108 and RoleID= 2, use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person?s info.
Object collection information: Field collector(s) (primary collector) WHERE TableID=108 and RoleID=17, use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to
get person?s info.
Object collection information: Field collector(s) (secondary collector) WHERE TableID=108 and RoleID=19, use as FK to Constituents.
ConstituentID to get person?s info.
Object collection information: Field collector(s) (tertiary collector) WHERE TableID=108 and RoleID=21, use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to
get person?s info.
(deaccession recipient) WHERE TableID=108 and RoleID=23, use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person?s info.
(transferree) WHERE TableID=108 and RoleID=29, use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person?s info.
(transferrer) WHERE TableID=108 and RoleID=54, use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person?s info.
(in memoriam) WHERE TableID=108 and RoleID=57, use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person?s info.
WHERE TableID=143 and RoleID= xxx, use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person?s info.
WHERE TableID=187 and RoleID= xxx, use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person?s info.
WHERE TableID=189 and RoleID= xxx, use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person?s info.
WHERE TableID=322 and RoleID= xxx, use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person?s info.
EnteredDate—?—————no—?—Only if useful for versioning context.
ID———— WHERE TableID=47, use as FK to Exhibitions.ExhibitionID to get exhibition info.
———— WHERE TableID=81, use as FK to Loans.LoanID to get loan info.
———— WHERE TableID=108, use as FK to Objects.ObjectID to get object info.
———— WHERE TableID=143, use as FK to ReferenceMaster.ReferenceID to get bibliographic reference info.
———— WHERE TableID=187, use as FK to HistEvents.HistEventID to get historical event info.
———— WHERE TableID=189, use as FK to Sites.SiteID to get place info.
———— WHERE TableID=322, use as FK to MediaRenditions.RenditionID
LoginID—?—nonouse as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person's info

Only if useful for attribution content.

Remarks WHERE TableID=47 and RoleID=xxx
WHERE TableID=81 and RoleID=xxx
Object collection information: Field collection noteParse into biographical info, collection info, other info. WHERE TableID=108 and RoleID IN
(donor remarks) WHERE TableID=108 and RoleID=2
(performer remarks) WHERE TableID=108 and RoleID=16
(photographer remarks) WHERE TableID=108 and RoleID=18
(original owner remarks) WHERE TableID=108 and RoleID=20
(maker remarks) WHERE TableID=108 and RoleID=22
(deaccession recipient remarks) WHERE TableID=108 and RoleID=23
(informant remarks) WHERE TableID=108 and RoleID=24
(subject [i.e., person depicted] remarks) WHERE TableID=108 and RoleID=27
(inspector remarks) WHERE TableID=108 and RoleID=28
(transferree remarks) WHERE TableID=108 and RoleID=29
(in-urned remarks) WHERE TableID=108 and RoleID=30
(in memoriam remarks) WHERE TableID=108 and RoleID=57
(landownder remarks) WHERE TableID=108 and RoleID=59
WHERE TableID=143 and RoleID=xxx
WHERE TableID=187 and RoleID=xxx
WHERE TableID=189 and RoleID=xxx
WHERE TableID=322 and RoleID=xxx
RoleID use as FK to Roles.RoleID to get person?s role relative to object/exhibit/loan/etc.
EnteredDate—?—————no—?—Only if useful for versioning context.
LoginID—?—nonouse as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person's info

Only if useful for attribution content.

SysTimeStamp—?—————————————Only if useful for versioning context.
EnteredDate—?—————no—?—Only if useful for versioning context.
Handler should not be needed—MTB to parse into NameFull fields
LoginID—?—nonouse as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person's info

Only if useful for attribution content.

LocHandlersMTB_Active—?— —?—
MTB_ConstituentID1Name Authority: Person information: Display
name (verify)
use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person info.
MTB_ConstituentID2Name Authority: Person information: Display
name (verify)
use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person info.
MTB_ConstituentID3Name Authority: Person information: Display
name (verify)
use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person info.
MTB_ConstituentID4Name Authority: Person information: Display
name (verify)
use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person info.
MTB_ConstituentID5Name Authority: Person information: Display
name (verify)
use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person info.
ObjContextCultureCataloging:Object History and Association Information:Associated Cultural
CulturalRegion• Schema extension/ custom field needed move elsewhere? only 2 entries.
Object Description Information:Inscription content:Inscriber WHERE TextTypeID IN (19,20,22,78), use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID
ID WHERE TableID=23, use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person?s information
WHERE TextTypeID=12Attributions
WHERE TextTypeID=32Culture Note
WHERE TextTypeID=33Culture groups on Tape
WHERE TextTypeID=49NAGPRA cultural determination
UsersEnteredDate—?—————no—?—Only if useful for versioning context.
Loginimport as CSpace usernames?
LoginID—?—nonouse as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person's info

Only if useful for attribution content.

MTB_ConstituentID use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person's info
MTB_Notes Do not import — data cleaning notes