TMS to CSpace dates crosswalk

TMS to CSpace dates crosswalk

Table Columns CSpace destination Cleaned? Migrated? Mapping Notes

DateBeginnoDateEndnoDisplayDatenoBeginDateCustom field needed?EndDateCustom field needed?ConstituentIDDateBegSearchDateDescriptionDateEndSearchDayBegSearchDayEndSearchEnteredDate—?—————LoginID—?—noMonthBegSearchMonthEndSearchRemarksSysTimeStamp—?—————DateCompletedBeginDateName Authority: Person information: Person's birth date
noDisplayDateEndDateName Authority: Person information: Person's death date
DateBeginDateEndDisplayDateDateMadeDisplayDimensionsBeginISODateBeginYearDisplayDateEndISODateEndYearBeginISODateEndISODateDateLabel(research & class visits)EndSearchDay(research & class visits)EndSearchMonth(research & class visits)EndSearchYear(research & class visits)BeginISODateEndISODateISODate1ISODate2ISODate3ISODate4ISODate5ISODate6ISODate7ISODate8ISODate9ISODate10PeriodReignCataloging:Object History and Association Information:Associated event name (verify)
may need to add “reign of” or other contextCataloging:Object History and Association Information:Associated date note
(verify)may need to add “reign of” or other contextDateBegSearchObject collection information: Field collection date: date information: Date - earliest/single (part: year)Needs cleaningObject collection information: Field collection date: date information: Date - earliest/single (part: year)Needs cleaningObject collection information: Field collection date: date information: Date - earliest/single (part: year)Needs cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningDateEndSearchObject collection information: Field collection date: date information: Date - latest (part: year)Needs cleaningObject collection information: Field collection date: date information: Date - latest (part: year)Needs cleaningObject collection information: Field collection date: date information: Date - latest (part: year)Needs cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningDateTextObject collection information: Field collection date: date information: Date textNeeds cleaningObject collection information: Field collection date: date information: Date textNeeds cleaning
Object collection information: Field collection date: date information: Date textNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningDayBegSearchObject collection information: Field collection date: date information: Date - earliest/single (part: day)Needs cleaningObject collection information: Field collection date: date information: Date - earliest/single (part: day)Needs cleaningObject collection information: Field collection date: date information: Date - earliest/single (part: day)Needs cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningDayEndSearchObject collection information: Field collection date: date information: Date - latest (part: day)Needs cleaningObject collection information: Field collection date: date information: Date - latest (part: day)Needs cleaningObject collection information: Field collection date: date information: Date - latest (part: day)Needs cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningEnteredDate—?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?—————EventTypeObject collection information: Field collection date: date information: Date - associationchange to “collection date”Object collection information: Field collection date: date information: Date - association
Object collection information: Field collection date: date information: Date - associationchange to “manufacture date” ?change to “mint date”change to “treatment date” ?change to “recataloging date”change to “accession date” ?change to “publication date”parse, if possibleparse, if possibleLoginID—?—no—?—no—?—no—?—no—?—no—?—no—?—no—?—no—?—no—?—no—?—no—?—no—?—no—?—no—?—no—?—no—?—no—?—no—?—no—?—no—?—no—?—no—?—no—?—noMonthBegSearchObject collection information: Field collection date: date information: Date - earliest/single (part: month)Needs cleaningObject collection information: Field collection date: date information: Date - earliest/single (part: month)Needs cleaningObject collection information: Field collection date: date information: Date - earliest/single (part: month)Needs cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningMonthEndSearchObject collection information: Field collection date: date information: Date - latest (part: month)Needs cleaningObject collection information: Field collection date: date information: Date - latest (part: month)Needs cleaningObject collection information: Field collection date: date information: Date - latest (part: month)Needs cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningNeeds cleaningRemarks• Schema extension/ custom field needed?is ok?• Schema extension/ custom field needed?is ok?• Schema extension/ custom field needed?is ok?is ok?is ok?is ok?is ok?is ok?is ok?is ok?is ok?is ok?is ok?is ok?is ok?is ok?is ok?is ok?is ok?is ok?is ok?is ok?is ok?is ok?SysTimeStamp—?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?——————?—————ProceedsRcvdDateSaleDateCatalogueISODateCuratorRevISODateDateBeginDated_____:Acquisition dateMany different date types — needs parsingDateEndDateOutDateBegSearchDateEndSearchDateTextEnteredDate—?—————EventTypeLoginID—?—noReferenceIDSysTimeStamp—?—————BeginDateDisplayDateEndDateYearPublishedDateBegSearchDateEndSearchDateTextDayBegSearchDayEndSearchEnteredDate—?—————EventTypeLoginID—?—noMonthBegSearchMonthEndSearchRemarksSiteIDSysTimeStamp—?—————DateEnteredDateModifiedBeginYearEndYearEnteredDate—?—————LoginID—?—noTermMasterIDMTB_DatedObject Description Information:Inscription content:Inscription date————yes————checkDateBeginDateEndDisplayDateEnteredDate—?—————LoginID—?—noTMTypeXrefID

BeginISODate• Custom field needed?
use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person info.
no—?—Only if useful for versioning context.
nouse as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person's info

Only if useful for attribution content.

————————Only if useful for versioning context.
WHERE ConstituentTypeID=1
WHERE ConstituentTypeID=1

WHERE EventType=”Date Collected”

WHERE EventType=”
secondary collection date”
WHERE EventType=”tertiary
collection date”
WHERE EventType=”date made”
WHERE EventType=”minting”
WHERE EventType=”ruler date”
WHERE EventType=”material date”
WHERE EventType=”patent date”
WHERE EventType=”conservation date”
WHERE EventType=”recatalogued date”
WHERE EventType=”destruction date”
WHERE EventType=”deaccession date”
WHERE EventType=”date used”
WHERE EventType=”date received”
WHERE EventType=”accessioned”
WHERE EventType=”published”
WHERE EventType=”immured”
WHERE EventType=”mounted”
WHERE EventType=”date photographed”
WHERE EventType=”date of analysis”
WHERE EventType=”date missing”
WHERE EventType=”agency mail date”
WHERE EventType=”[not entered]”
WHERE EventType=”
Date Collected”
WHERE EventType=”secondary
collection date”
WHERE EventType=”tertiary collection
WHERE EventType=”date made”
WHERE EventType=”minting”
WHERE EventType=”ruler date”
WHERE EventType=”material date”
WHERE EventType=”patent date”
WHERE EventType=”conservation date”
WHERE EventType=”recatalogued date”
WHERE EventType=”destruction date”
WHERE EventType=”deaccession date”
WHERE EventType=”date used”
WHERE EventType=”date received”
WHERE EventType=”accessioned”
WHERE EventType=”published”
WHERE EventType=”immured”
WHERE EventType=”mounted”
WHERE EventType=”date photographed”
WHERE EventType=”date of analysis”
WHERE EventType=”date missing”
WHERE EventType=”agency mail date”
WHERE EventType=”[not entered]”
WHERE EventType=”Date Collected”
WHERE EventType=”secondary collection date”
WHERE EventType=”tertiary collection date”
WHERE EventType=”date made”
WHERE EventType=”minting”
WHERE EventType=”ruler date”
WHERE EventType=”material date”
WHERE EventType=”patent date”
WHERE EventType=”conservation date”
WHERE EventType=”recatalogued date”
WHERE EventType=”destruction date”
WHERE EventType=”deaccession date”
WHERE EventType=”date used”
WHERE EventType=”date received”
WHERE EventType=”accessioned”
WHERE EventType=”published”
WHERE EventType=”immured”
WHERE EventType=”mounted”
WHERE EventType=”date photographed”
WHERE EventType=”date of analysis”
WHERE EventType=”date missing”
WHERE EventType=”agency mail date”
WHERE EventType=”[not entered]”
EventType=”Date Collected”
WHERE EventType=”
secondary collection date”
WHERE EventType=”tertiary
collection date”
WHERE EventType=”date made”
WHERE EventType=”minting”
WHERE EventType=”ruler date”
WHERE EventType=”material date”
WHERE EventType=”patent date”
WHERE EventType=”conservation date”
WHERE EventType=”recatalogued date”
WHERE EventType=”destruction date”
WHERE EventType=”deaccession date”
WHERE EventType=”date used”
WHERE EventType=”date received”
WHERE EventType=”accessioned”
WHERE EventType=”published”
WHERE EventType=”immured”
WHERE EventType=”mounted”
WHERE EventType=”date photographed”
WHERE EventType=”date of analysis”
WHERE EventType=”date missing”
WHERE EventType=”agency mail date”
WHERE EventType=”[not entered]”
WHERE EventType=”
Date Collected”
WHERE EventType=”secondary
collection date”
WHERE EventType=”tertiary collection
WHERE EventType=”date made”
WHERE EventType=”minting”
WHERE EventType=”ruler date”
WHERE EventType=”material date”
WHERE EventType=”patent date”
WHERE EventType=”conservation date”
WHERE EventType=”recatalogued date”
WHERE EventType=”destruction date”
WHERE EventType=”deaccession date”
WHERE EventType=”date used”
WHERE EventType=”date received”
WHERE EventType=”accessioned”
WHERE EventType=”published”
WHERE EventType=”immured”
WHERE EventType=”mounted”
WHERE EventType=”date photographed”
WHERE EventType=”date of analysis”
WHERE EventType=”date missing”
WHERE EventType=”agency mail date”
WHERE EventType=”[not entered]”
noWHERE EventType=”Date Collected”Only if useful for versioning context.
noWHERE EventType=”secondary collection date”Only if useful for versioning context.
noWHERE EventType=”tertiary collection date”Only if useful for versioning context.
noWHERE EventType=”date made”Only if useful for versioning context.
noWHERE EventType=”minting”Only if useful for versioning context.
noWHERE EventType=”ruler date”Only if useful for versioning context.
noWHERE EventType=”material date”Only if useful for versioning context.
noWHERE EventType=”patent date”Only if useful for versioning context.
noWHERE EventType=”conservation date”Only if useful for versioning context.
noWHERE EventType=”recatalogued date”Only if useful for versioning context.
noWHERE EventType=”destruction date”Only if useful for versioning context.
noWHERE EventType=”deaccession date”Only if useful for versioning context.
noWHERE EventType=”date used”Only if useful for versioning context.
noWHERE EventType=”date received”Only if useful for versioning context.
noWHERE EventType=”accessioned”Only if useful for versioning context.
noWHERE EventType=”published”Only if useful for versioning context.
noWHERE EventType=”immured”Only if useful for versioning context.
noWHERE EventType=”mounted”Only if useful for versioning context.
noWHERE EventType=”date photographed”Only if useful for versioning context.
noWHERE EventType=”date of analysis”Only if useful for versioning context.
noWHERE EventType=”date missing”Only if useful for versioning context.
noWHERE EventType=”agency mail date”Only if useful for versioning context.
noWHERE EventType=”[not entered]”Only if useful for versioning context.
noWHERE EventType IS NULLOnly if useful for versioning context.
WHERE EventType=”
Date Collected”
WHERE EventType=”secondary collection date”
WHERE EventType=”tertiary collection date”
WHERE EventType=”date made”
WHERE EventType=”minting”
WHERE EventType=”ruler date”
WHERE EventType=”material date”
WHERE EventType=”patent date”
WHERE EventType=”conservation date”
WHERE EventType=”recatalogued date”
WHERE EventType=”destruction date”
WHERE EventType=”deaccession date”
WHERE EventType=”date used”
WHERE EventType=”date received”
WHERE EventType=”accessioned”
WHERE EventType=”published”
WHERE EventType=”immured”
WHERE EventType=”mounted”
WHERE EventType=”date photographed”
WHERE EventType=”date of analysis”
WHERE EventType=”date missing”
WHERE EventType=”agency mail date”
WHERE EventType=”[not entered]”
noWHERE EventType=”Date Collected”: use as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.
ConstituentID to get person's info
Only if useful for attribution content.
noWHERE EventType=”secondary collection date”: use as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.
ConstituentID to get person's info
Only if useful for attribution content.
noWHERE EventType=”tertiary collection date”: use as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.
ConstituentID to get person's info
Only if useful for attribution content.
noWHERE EventType=”date made”: use as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to
get person's info
Only if useful for attribution content.
noWHERE EventType=”minting”: use as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get
person's info
Only if useful for attribution content.
noWHERE EventType=”ruler date”: use as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to
get person's info
Only if useful for attribution content.
noWHERE EventType=”material date”: use as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID
to get person's info
Only if useful for attribution content.
noWHERE EventType=”patent date”: use as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to
get person's info
Only if useful for attribution content.
noWHERE EventType=”conservation date”: use as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.
ConstituentID to get person's info
Only if useful for attribution content.
noWHERE EventType=”recatalogued date”: use as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.
ConstituentID to get person's info
Only if useful for attribution content.
noWHERE EventType=”destruction date”: use as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.
ConstituentID to get person's info
Only if useful for attribution content.
noWHERE EventType=”deaccession date”: use as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.
ConstituentID to get person's info
Only if useful for attribution content.
noWHERE EventType=”date used”: use as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to
get person's info
Only if useful for attribution content.
noWHERE EventType=”date received”: use as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID
to get person's info
Only if useful for attribution content.
noWHERE EventType=”accessioned”: use as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID
to get person's info
Only if useful for attribution content.
noWHERE EventType=”published”: use as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to
get person's info
Only if useful for attribution content.
noWHERE EventType=”immured”: use as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to
get person's info
Only if useful for attribution content.
noWHERE EventType=”mounted”: use as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to
get person's info
Only if useful for attribution content.
noWHERE EventType=”date photographed”: use as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.
ConstituentID to get person's info
Only if useful for attribution content.
noWHERE EventType=”date of analysis”: use as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.
ConstituentID to get person's info
Only if useful for attribution content.
noWHERE EventType=”date missing”: use as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID
to get person's info
Only if useful for attribution content.
noWHERE EventType=”agency mail date”: use as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.
ConstituentID to get person's info
Only if useful for attribution content.
noWHERE EventType=”[not entered]”: use as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.
ConstituentID to get person's info
Only if useful for attribution content.
noWHERE EventType IS NULL: use as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get
person's info
Only if useful for attribution content.
EventType=”Date Collected”
WHERE EventType=”
secondary collection date”
WHERE EventType=”tertiary
collection date”
WHERE EventType=”date made”
WHERE EventType=”minting”
WHERE EventType=”ruler date”
WHERE EventType=”material date”
WHERE EventType=”patent date”
WHERE EventType=”conservation date”
WHERE EventType=”recatalogued date”
WHERE EventType=”destruction date”
WHERE EventType=”deaccession date”
WHERE EventType=”date used”
WHERE EventType=”date received”
WHERE EventType=”accessioned”
WHERE EventType=”published”
WHERE EventType=”immured”
WHERE EventType=”mounted”
WHERE EventType=”date photographed”
WHERE EventType=”date of analysis”
WHERE EventType=”date missing”
WHERE EventType=”agency mail date”
WHERE EventType=”[not entered]”
EventType=”Date Collected”
WHERE EventType=”secondary
collection date”
WHERE EventType=”tertiary
collection date”
WHERE EventType=”date made”
WHERE EventType=”minting”
WHERE EventType=”ruler date”
WHERE EventType=”material date”
WHERE EventType=”patent date”
WHERE EventType=”conservation date”
WHERE EventType=”recatalogued date”
WHERE EventType=”destruction date”
WHERE EventType=”deaccession date”
WHERE EventType=”date used”
WHERE EventType=”date received”
WHERE EventType=”accessioned”
WHERE EventType=”published”
WHERE EventType=”immured”
WHERE EventType=”mounted”
WHERE EventType=”date photographed”
WHERE EventType=”date of analysis”
WHERE EventType=”date missing”
WHERE EventType=”agency mail date”
WHERE EventType=”[not entered]”
WHERE EventType=”Date Collected”
WHERE EventType=”secondary collection date”
WHERE EventType=”tertiary collection date”
WHERE EventType=”date made”
WHERE EventType=”minting”
WHERE EventType=”ruler date”
WHERE EventType=”material date”
WHERE EventType=”material date”
WHERE EventType=”conservation date”
WHERE EventType=”recatalogued date”
WHERE EventType=”destruction date”
WHERE EventType=”deaccession date”
WHERE EventType=”date used”
WHERE EventType=”date received”
WHERE EventType=”accessioned”
WHERE EventType=”published”
WHERE EventType=”immured”
WHERE EventType=”mounted”
WHERE EventType=”date photographed”
WHERE EventType=”date of analysis”
WHERE EventType=”date missing”
WHERE EventType=”agency mail date”
WHERE EventType=”[not entered]”
————WHERE EventType=”Date Collected”Only if useful for versioning context.
————WHERE EventType=”secondary collection date”Only if useful for versioning context.
————WHERE EventType=”tertiary collection date”Only if useful for versioning context.
————WHERE EventType=”date made”Only if useful for versioning context.
————WHERE EventType=”minting”Only if useful for versioning context.
————WHERE EventType=”ruler date”Only if useful for versioning context.
————WHERE EventType=”material date”Only if useful for versioning context.
————WHERE EventType=”material date”Only if useful for versioning context.
————WHERE EventType=”conservation date”Only if useful for versioning context.
————WHERE EventType=”recatalogued date”Only if useful for versioning context.
————WHERE EventType=”destruction date”Only if useful for versioning context.
————WHERE EventType=”deaccession date”Only if useful for versioning context.
————WHERE EventType=”date used”Only if useful for versioning context.
————WHERE EventType=”date received”Only if useful for versioning context.
————WHERE EventType=”accessioned”Only if useful for versioning context.
————WHERE EventType=”published”Only if useful for versioning context.
————WHERE EventType=”immured”Only if useful for versioning context.
————WHERE EventType=”mounted”Only if useful for versioning context.
————WHERE EventType=”date photographed”Only if useful for versioning context.
————WHERE EventType=”date of analysis”Only if useful for versioning context.
————WHERE EventType=”date missing”Only if useful for versioning context.
————WHERE EventType=”agency mail date”Only if useful for versioning context.
————WHERE EventType=”[not entered]”Only if useful for versioning context.
————WHERE EventType IS NULLOnly if useful for versioning context.
WHERE DateOut <> '12/31/9999'If DateOut = "12/31/9999", it means that the component is still at this location
no—?—Only if useful for versioning context.
nouse as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person's info

Only if useful for attribution content.

————————Only if useful for versioning context.
no—?—Only if useful for versioning context.
nouse as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person's info

Only if useful for attribution content.

————————Only if useful for versioning context.
no—?—Only if useful for versioning context.
nouse as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person's info

Only if useful for attribution content.

WHERE TextTypeID IN (19,20,22,78)note possible overlap with
TextDate (below)
WHERE TextTypeID NOT IN (19,20,22,78)mistake if TextTypeID=193850 ?
WHERE TextTypeID NOT IN (19,20,22,78)
no—?—Only if useful for versioning context.
nouse as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person's info

Only if useful for attribution content.