Image media viewing

Needed by whom and when

Basic statements about who needs the functionality and by when.

PAHMA and UCJEPS: Both expect good image viewing to be in place by the time they go live.  Also, access to some images needs to be restricted (though the level of restriction requires further definition). For PAHMA short term restrictions can be simply museum/not museum roles.


Image viewing capabilities in CollectionSpace should allow users to view uploaded images and derivatives, zoom in and out, and not interfere with data entry while viewing.  In discussions with PAHMA, Megan and Penelope seemed to indicate this was an obvious requirement for all deployments.  This sounds like it might meet UCJEPS requirements for image-based data entry (i.e., starting with an image file, create object record from an image uploaded to system). Longer term UCJEPS would like to enable data input from users: system can take in public user data such as tags.

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Image media viewing UCB user stories for prioritization

Image viewing: Image can be viewed in a separate window (not a tab) that allows zooming in and out and panning.

Image viewing: Separate image viewing window can be placed so that data entry of object record data can be performed, subject to screen real estate limitations of course.

Image viewing permissions: Images can be marked so that they can not be viewed through a public read-only interface.

Image viewing permissions: Images can be marked so they can not be viewed by certain CollectionSpace roles (e.g., student data entry role)

Prioritization of user stories

As definitions and priorities are clarified, the user stories above should be moved into relative order below.

Must have for 1.x-MUSEUM (when they go live in system)

Placeholder for required functionality.  As a general rule, functionality that you need and use now should go here or where you have existing data.  However, this is up to the museum.  We will have to balance requirements against resources and timelines.


MUSEUM could wait six to twelve months

What could wait?  These will be re-prioritized at a later date.


MUSEUM would like to have this eventually

These are nice to have but not a near term requirement.
