PAHMA-CSpace deployment

PAHMA-CSpace deployment

This is the CollectionSpace deployment project page for the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology (PAHMA) at UC Berkeley.

CollectionSpace Implementation Project Plan for PAHMA

Last Update 7 July 2011


The purpose of this project is to implement the CollectionSpace collections management system at the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology. The Museum's current implementation roadmap is:


Tasks, subtasks





  • Staff-wide demonstration of PAHMA-CSpace 1.8 on August 23, 2011


  • User testing of 1.8 begins in mid-September, 2011, continues through October, 2011


  • Further customization of 1.8 according to outcome of initial user testing (October, 2011)




  • Deploy a fully customized version of CollectionSpace 1.12 by late October, 2011, including:
    • all mapped data
    • additional required customizations identified by user testing cycles
    • all remaining UI customizations
    • (tick) creation of a custom procedure for NAGPRA compliance activities


  • User training for Museum staff in November, 2011


  • Upgrade to CollectionSpace 2.0 by mid-December, 2011.


  • Full migration of PAHMA data to CollectionSpace 2.0 by mid-late December, 2011.


The above dates are dependent on the CollectionSpace roadmap and release dates.

CollectionSpace will replace the Museum's current CMS, The Museum System (TMS). Immediately prior to the final migration of TMS data to CollectionSpace, TMS will be placed into read-only mode to ensure that no new data is added to TMS without being migrated to CollectionSpace. From that point until the migration is completed (duration estimate not yet available), neither system will be available for data entry (although at least one system will be available for accessing collections data). Once the migration is completed, CollectionSpace will become the Museum's system of record. TMS will remain accessible in read-only format for a period of 3 months, after which it will be taken offline and archived. During this 3-month period, the Museum's online collections browser, Delphi will make the transition from using TMS as its backend to having CollectionSpace serve as its backend.

The project will be led by Michael Black, Head of Research and Information Systems, and assisted by the staff of the Department of Research and Information Systems (Paolo Pellegatti, Martina Smith, Thusa Chu, Bronwynn Lloyd, and Joan Knudsen). This project is critical to the future success of the Museum and has the full support of the Museum's Director, Mari Lyn Salvador, and of the Museum's staff.

This project will not include the implementation of a dedicated digital asset management system, documentation and photography of all 3.8 million items cataloged in all 630,000+ catalog records in our collection, integration of all non-TMS databases, a full cleanup of all existing data, or the completion of all desired data entry. Completion of this project will not mean that all required cataloging and inventorying have been completed or that full information on our collections will be immediately available online (for the public or for Museum staff).

Completion of this project will mean that the Museum will have a collections management system that can continue to be customized to best suit our needs; a system that can be accessed by many more people than is currently possible, and that can be accessed by users regardless of their location or the operating system they use; a system that will supported by IST-Data Services; a system whose development and direction is guided by a community of users, where our voice is heard; a system with incredible potential that will help us move towards a future where our CMS serves as the foundation of suite of technologies that together meet the needs of staff, curators, researchers, students, educators, heritage communities, visitors, and the public.

Plan Elements

NB: We have a short time frame, limited staff, and a lot to accomplish — many of the tasks listed below will occur simultaneously. The listed elements are described at the top level only; detailed task plans for each element are being developed.

Functional requirement analysis
  • Complete functional analysis of existing CMS (TMS)
  • Define desired functionality, roughly categorize into "must-have" and "nice-to-have"
  • Complete functionality gap analysis (TMS, CSpace, neither)
  • Prioritize functional requirements:
    • Establish what CollectionSpace supports now.
    • Determine what will we develop ourselves.
    • Agree upon what functionality we need in order to migrate.
    • Agree upon what functionality we can live without for the near future.
    • Discuss potential areas for collaboration with other implementers.
Operational requirements analysis
  • Complete a stakeholder analysis with Museum staff
    • Registration
    • Collections/Conservation
    • Exhibitions/Programs/Education
    • NAGPRA/Repatriation
    • Information Systems/Website
    • Development
    • Other (Administration, Curators, Facilities)
  • Analyze CollectionSpace's use within the Museum
    • How will CollectionSpace support be handled?
    • Will its adoption affect the working practices of Registration?
    • Will its adoption affect the working practices of Collections?
    • Create data entry guidelines and documentation
    • How can other Museum departments leverage CollectionSpace?

Version 1.8 Implementation & Migration

  • Demonstration of PAHMA-CSpace 1.8 to be given August 23, 2011
    • Emphasis will be on functionality and customizations
    • Only nominal data will need to be migrated

Version 1.12 Implementation & Migration
coming soon

Version 2.0 Implementation & Migration
coming soon