HAVRC-1.8 questions for discussion

HAVRC-1.8 questions for discussion

Some questions here based on comments on the wireframes.  Most of these are for subsequent iterations but are just being captured here.


  • Cataloging screen, Object Name repeating field group.  Lynn and Jan are talking about renaming this to "Object Type".  Is that semantically correct?  Yes, based on a quick review of CDWA and LIDO, Object Type is a required field, and this name makes more sense.

Mapping and semantic questions that are less urgent

  • Cataloging screen, Material repeating field group: Lynn notes "...we might want a display version of this field, or some form of free-form entry. It seems like the radio-button indicates that only 1 will be displayed. Is this maybe what the 'physical description' field is for (materials display?)"  We could look at CDWA and VRA Core 4 as well to see if we have the right fields for data sharing. 
  • Cataloging screen, Production Place repeating field group: Lynn notes "...could we maybe call this 'location' instead? ... Also, could we include a display version of this too, which would include the parents."  Do we have the right fields for CDWA and VRA Core 4?  Place hierarchy will be available  if the Place authority is used here, but we might need Verbatim Place field of some kind.
  • Cataloging screen, Production Person repeating field group: Lynn notes "Could we combine these as creator?"  Do we have the right fields for CDWA and VRA Core 4?
  • Media Handling screen, Publisher and Contributor fields.  How do those relate to Source (which will probably be based on multiple authorities)? Again, do we have the right fields for CDWA and VRA Core 4?
  • Do we need a Classification field?
  • How do we model the authority or authorities for "Sources".  Often these will be citations, but they could also be vendors, donors, or other things.  Probably we will want multiple authorities, but this needs discussion with HAVRC and CEDVRC.

Thinking about Generate Accessions batch process

  • What needs to be in the Order Items repeating field group to facilitate this?  Can a batch process grab data from structures in the repeating list AND in the other structures on this page (e.g., Requestor)?

Features that would help facilitate data entry

  • Longer term: Can we create a "Clone Last Row" decorator or widget that will facilitate data entry on the Order Items repeating field group?
  • Media Handling screen, Photographer (renamed Creator field): Can this autopopulate?