Media mapping

Media mapping

Table Columns CSpace destination Cleaned? Migrated? Mapping Notes
MediaArchTypes————————————no————Do not import — not needed or used
MediaColorDepths——————— ————Do not import — simplistic, 3-term list: “true color”, “1-bit grayscale”, “8-bit grayscale” —
presumably superseded by CSpace list/functionality
MediaCounts————————————————————Do not import — for TMS internal use
MediaExtensions———————————no————Do not import — controlled list presumably superseded by CSpace list/functionality
MediaFilesArchCatNum————————————————Do not import — always null
ArchFilename————————————————Do not import — always null
ArchIDNum————————————————Do not import — always null
ArchSubDir————————————————Do not import — always null
ArchTypeID———— ————Do not import — always 0
ArchVolName————————————————Do not import — always null
ColorDepthID—?— —?—Needed? Superseded by CSpace functionality?
Duration———— ————Do not import — always 0
EnteredDate—?—————no—?—Only if useful for versioning context.
FileDateMedia handling information: date created Migrate if
not automatically extracted upon import
FileID————————————————Do not import — use as PK for table
FileNameMedia handling information: file name Migrate if
not automatically extracted upon import
FileSizeMedia handling information: dimension ? WHERE FileSize
<> 0
FormatIDMedia handling information: format use as FK to
MediaFormats.FormatID to get format info.
LoginID—?—nonouse as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person's info

Only if useful for attribution content.

MemorySizeMedia handling information: dimension ?
PathIDMedia handling information: location use as FK to
MediaPaths.PathID to get file location
PixelHMedia handling information: dimension ?
PixelWMedia handling information: dimension ?
RenditionID—?— —?—Needed? Useful if importing unlinked images
MediaFormats———————————no————Do not import — controlled list presumably superseded by CSpace list/functionality
MediaMasterAgreementSignedDate————————————————Do not import
ApprovedForWeb•Schema extension/ custom field needed? Needed for filtering for public web viewing on Delphi.
CopyrightMedia handling information: rights holder
Descriptionappend to Media handling information: description
DisplayRendID————————————————Do not import — not needed; presumably superseded by CSpace functionality
EnteredDate————————————————Do not import; use MediaXrefs.EnteredDate instead (TMS bug prevents linking to existing
media, so all MediaXrefs.EnteredDate should be the same as MediaMaster.EnteredDate).
LoginID————————————————Do not import; use MediaXrefs.LoginID instead (TMS bug prevents linking to existing media, so
all MediaXrefs.LoginID should be the same as MediaMaster.LoginID).
MediaMasterID————————————————Do not import — use as PK for table
MediaView•Schema extension/ custom field needed? (or append to Media handling information: description) —?—
PrimaryRendID————————————————Do not import — not needed; presumably superseded by CSpace functionality
PublicAccess————————————————Do not import — not needed
PublicCaptionMedia handling information: description (first part, followed by MediaMaster.MediaView,
MediaMaster.Description, MediaRenditions.Remarks, and MediaXrefs.Remarks
Remarks————————————————Do not import — no useful information (11 entries: 10 refer to images that have been removed;
remaining entry was described as useless by entry creator)
Restrictions•Schema extension/ custom field needed?
MediaPaths————————————no————Paths migrated through MediaFiles.PathID
MediaRenditionsDuration———— ————Not useful (”0”: 18,191; <null>: 504,368)
EnteredDate—?—————no—?—Only if useful for versioning context.
IsColor———— ————Do not import — default is “0” (not color), was not changed for nearly 500,000 color images.
LocTermID————————————————Do not import
LoginID—?—nonouse as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person's info

Only if useful for attribution content.

MediaMasterID———— ————Used as FK to MediaMaster
MediaSizeID—?— —?—Useful? If MediaSizeID=2, original film format was 35mm
MediaStatusDate————————————————Do not import — always null
MediaStatusID———— ————Do not import — always 0
MediaTypeID—?— —?—Needed? Indicates whether file is Image (”1”), Audio (”2”), Video (”3”), Document (”4”), Slide (”10”), or Negative (”9”)
ParentRendID—?— —?—Useful? (799 are != -1)
PrimaryFileID———— use as FK to MediaFiles.FileID to get media file info.
Quality—?— —?—Worth importing? (”great”: 209; “Peru”: 512; <null>: 521,838)
QualityConID————————————————Do not import — always null
QualityDate————————————————Do not import — always null
QuantityAvailable———— ————Not worth importing? (”0”: 17,894; “1”: 297; <null>: 504,368)
QuantityMade———— ————Not worth importing? (“1”: 21,720; <null>: 500,839)
Remarksappend to Media handling information: description
RenditionDate———— ————Do not import — no data
RenditionID————————————————Do not import — use as PK for table
RenditionNumberMedia handling information: identification number
SortNumber————————————————Do not import — presumably superseded by CSpace functionality
Technique————————————————Do not import — always null
ThumbBLOB—?— —?—Needed?
ThumbBlobSize—?— —?—Needed?
ThumbExtensionID————————————————Do not import — presumably superseded by CSpace functionality
ThumbFileName—?— —?—Needed?
ThumbPathID—?— —?—Indicates location of thumbnails for the images (6 different locations)
MediaSizes———————————no————Do not import — 1-item controlled list (35 mm) presumably superseded by CSpace
MediaStatuses———————————no————Do not import — not used by PAHMA
MediaTypes————————————no————Do not import — controlled list presumably superseded by CSpace list/functionality
MediaXrefsEnteredDate—?—————no—?—Only if useful for versioning context.
ID(person-related digital media) WHERE TableID=23, use as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person?s information
(exhibition-related digital media) WHERE TableID=47, use as FK to Exhibitions.ExhibitionID to get exhibition info.
(loan-related digital media) WHERE TableID=81, use as FK to Loans.LoanID to get loan info.
(conservation- and/or condition-related digital media) WHERE TableID=97, use as FK to CondLineItems.CondLineItemID to get [conservation]
condition line item info.
(object-related digital media) WHERE TableID=108, use as FK to Objects.ObjectID to get object info.
(historical event-related digital media) WHERE TableID=187, use as FK to HistEvents.HistEventID to get historical event info.
(place-related digital media) WHERE TableID=189, use as FK to Sites.SiteID to get place info.
(shipment-related digital media) WHERE TableID=345, use as FK to Shipments.ShipmentID to get shipment info.
LoginIDMedia handling information: contributor? (or publisher?)nono use as FK to Users.Login, then use Users.MTB_ConstituentID as FK to Constituents.ConstituentID to get person's infoOnly if useful for attribution content.
MediaMasterID———— use as FK to MediaMaster.MediaMasterID to get media info (filename, filepath, etc.)
MediaXrefID————————————————Do not import — use as PK for table
PrimaryDisplay—?— The primary image to be displayed is indicated by PrimaryDisplay=1
Rank—?— Indicates the relative display order of images (media with lower numbers should be displayed before media with higher numbers).
Remarks•Schema extension/ custom field needed? (or append to Media handling information: description)
TableID———— use in conjunction with ID, above