Object History and Association data mapping
This page contains information about PAHMA's data migration of Object History and Association Information.
See parent page on PAHMA data migration ETL work.
Associated people (culture) extract
field mapping
TMS table name |
TMS field name |
CSpace field name |
notes |
ObjContext |
Culture |
assocPeople |
should be mapped to Culture Authority |
TextEntries |
textEntry |
assocPeopleNote |
where textTypeID is 32, 49, 97, or 99 |
TextEntries |
textType |
assocPeopleType |
where textTypeID is 49 |
sql query
view: cs_associatedpeoples (refreshed 2012-04-20)
SELECT CAST(c.objectID AS VARCHAR) objectID, c.culture assocPeople, NULL assocPeopleType, NULL assocPeopleNote FROM ObjContext c JOIN Objects o ON c.objectID = o.objectID WHERE o.IsVirtual = 0 AND o.IsTemplate = 0 AND c.culture IS NOT NULL UNION ALL SELECT CAST(o.objectID AS VARCHAR) objectID, NULL assocPeople, (case when t.textTypeID = 49 then 'nagpraCulturalAffiliation' end) assocPeopleType, t.TextEntry assocPeopleNote FROM TextEntries t JOIN Objects o ON t.ID = o.objectID JOIN TextTypes tt ON t.TextTypeID = tt.TextTypeID WHERE t.tableID = 108 AND o.IsVirtual = 0 AND o.IsTemplate = 0 AND t.TextTypeID IN (32, 49, 97, 99) ;
- TODO: map this data to new Culture Authority (to be populated from TMSThesaurus.Terms table)
Associated date extract
this data cannot be imported until CSPACE-4775 is done (v2.2)
field mapping
TMS table name |
TMS field name |
CSpace field name |
notes |
ObjDates |
EventType |
assocDateType |
ObjDates |
DateText |
assocDate_dateDisplayDate |
ObjDates |
DateBegSearch |
assocDate_dateEarliestSingleYear |
ObjDates |
DateEndSearch |
assocDate_dateLatestYear |
ObjDates |
DayBegSearch |
assocDate_dateEarliestSingleDay |
ObjDates |
DayEndSearch |
assocDate_dateLatestDay |
ObjDates |
MonthBegSearch |
assocDate_dateEarliestSingleMonth |
ObjDates |
MonthEndSearch |
assocDate_dateLatestMonth |
ObjDates |
Remarks |
assocDateNote |
TextEntries |
textEntry |
assocDateNote |
where textTypeID is 100 |
sql query
view: cs_associateddates (refreshed 2012-04-20)
SELECT CAST(d.objectID AS VARCHAR) objectID, (CASE WHEN d.eventType != '[not entered]' THEN lower(d.eventType) END) assocDateType, d.dateText assocDate_dateDisplayDate, NULL assocDate_dateNote, (CASE WHEN d.dateBegSearch != '0' THEN d.dateBegSearch END) assocDate_dateEarliestSingleYear, (CASE WHEN d.dateEndSearch != '0' THEN d.dateEndSearch END) assocDate_dateLatestYear, d.dayBegSearch assocDate_dateEarliestSingleDay, d.dayEndSearch assocDate_dateLatestDay, d.monthBegSearch assocDate_dateEarliestSingleMonth, d.monthEndSearch assocDate_dateLatestMonth, d.remarks assocDateNote FROM ObjDates d JOIN Objects o ON d.objectID = o.objectID WHERE o.IsVirtual = 0 AND o.IsTemplate = 0 AND lower(d.eventType) NOT IN ('accessioned', 'date collected', 'secondary collection date', 'tertiary collection date', 'date made') AND ((d.dateText IS NOT NULL AND d.dateText != '') OR d.dateBegSearch != 0) UNION ALL SELECT CAST(c.objectID AS VARCHAR) objectID, NULL assocDateType, c.period assocDate_dateDisplayDate, NULL assocDate_dateNote, NULL assocDate_dateEarliestSingleYear, NULL assocDate_dateLatestYear, NULL assocDate_dateEarliestSingleDay, NULL assocDate_dateLatestDay, NULL assocDate_dateEarliestSingleMonth, NULL assocDate_dateLatestMonth, NULL assocDateNote FROM ObjContext c JOIN Objects o ON c.objectID = o.objectID WHERE o.IsVirtual = 0 AND o.IsTemplate = 0 AND c.period IS NOT NULL UNION ALL SELECT CAST(c.objectID AS VARCHAR) objectID, NULL assocDateType, c.reign assocDate_dateDisplayDate, 'produced during reign of' assocDate_dateNote, NULL assocDate_dateEarliestSingleYear, NULL assocDate_dateLatestYear, NULL assocDate_dateEarliestSingleDay, NULL assocDate_dateLatestDay, NULL assocDate_dateEarliestSingleMonth, NULL assocDate_dateLatestMonth, NULL assocDateNote FROM ObjContext c JOIN Objects o ON c.objectID = o.objectID WHERE o.IsVirtual = 0 AND o.IsTemplate = 0 AND c.reign IS NOT NULL UNION ALL SELECT CAST(o.objectID AS VARCHAR) objectID, NULL assocDateType, NULL assocDate_dateDisplayDate, NULL assocDate_dateNote, NULL assocDate_dateEarliestSingleYear, NULL assocDate_dateLatestYear, NULL assocDate_dateEarliestSingleDay, NULL assocDate_dateLatestDay, NULL assocDate_dateEarliestSingleMonth, NULL assocDate_dateLatestMonth, t.TextEntry assocDateNote FROM TextEntries t JOIN Objects o ON t.ID = o.objectID JOIN TextTypes tt ON t.TextTypeID = tt.TextTypeID WHERE t.tableID = 108 AND o.IsVirtual = 0 AND o.IsTemplate = 0 AND t.TextTypeID = 100 ;
- DONE: populate controlled list options for assocDateType field
Associated organization extract
field mapping
TMS table name |
TMS field name |
CSpace field name |
notes |
ConXrefs |
constituentID |
assocOrganization |
reference to Organization |
Roles |
role |
assocOrganizationType |
ConXrefs |
remarks |
assocOrganizationNote |
sql query
view: cs_associatedorganizations (refreshed 2012-03-12)
SELECT CAST(o.objectID AS VARCHAR) objectID, x.constituentID assocOrganization, lower(r.role) assocOrganizationType, x.remarks assocOrganizationNote FROM ConXrefs x JOIN roles r ON x.roleID = r.roleID JOIN objects o ON x.ID = o.objectID JOIN constituents c ON x.constituentID = c.constituentID WHERE x.tableID = 108 AND x.active = 1 AND o.IsVirtual = 0 AND o.IsTemplate = 0 AND c.constituentTypeID > 1 AND lower(r.role) IN ('donor', 'seller') ;
Associated person extract
field mapping
TMS table name |
TMS field name |
CSpace field name |
notes |
ConXrefs |
constituentID |
assocPerson |
reference to Person |
Roles |
role |
assocPersonType |
ConXrefs |
remarks |
assocPersonNote |
sql query
view: cs_associatedpersons (refreshed 2012-03-12)
SELECT CAST(o.objectID AS VARCHAR) objectID, x.constituentID assocPerson, lower(r.role) assocPersonType, x.remarks assocPersonNote FROM ConXrefs x JOIN roles r ON x.roleID = r.roleID JOIN objects o ON x.ID = o.objectID JOIN constituents c ON x.constituentID = c.constituentID WHERE x.tableID = 108 AND x.active = 1 AND o.IsVirtual = 0 AND o.IsTemplate = 0 AND c.constituentTypeID = 1 AND lower(r.role) IN ('in memoriam', 'in-urned', 'informant', 'inspector', 'patron', 'photograph requestor', 'dealer', 'transferree', 'transferrer', 'donor', 'seller') ;
Associated objects extract
field mapping
TMS table name |
TMS field name |
CSpace field name |
notes |
TextEntries |
textEntry |
assocObject |
where textTypeID is 104 or 106 |
sql query
view: cs_associatedobjects (refreshed 2012-04-20)
SELECT CAST(o.objectID AS VARCHAR) objectID, t.TextEntry assocObject FROM TextEntries t JOIN Objects o ON t.ID = o.objectID JOIN TextTypes tt ON t.TextTypeID = tt.TextTypeID WHERE t.tableID = 108 AND o.IsVirtual = 0 AND o.IsTemplate = 0 AND t.TextTypeID IN (104, 106) ;
Associated place extract
field mapping
TMS table name |
TMS field name |
CSpace field name |
notes |
TextEntries |
textEntry |
assocPlace |
where textTypeID is 45 |
sql query
view: cs_associatedplaces (refreshed 2012-04-20)
SELECT CAST(o.objectID AS VARCHAR) objectID, t.TextEntry assocPlace, 'used' assocPlaceType FROM TextEntries t JOIN Objects o ON t.ID = o.objectID JOIN TextTypes tt ON t.TextTypeID = tt.TextTypeID WHERE t.tableID = 108 AND o.IsVirtual = 0 AND o.IsTemplate = 0 AND t.TextTypeID = 45 ;
Previous owner extract
field mapping
TMS table name |
TMS field name |
CSpace field name |
notes |
ConXrefs |
constituentID |
previousOwner |
reference to Person or Organization |
ConXrefs |
remarks |
ownershipNote |
TextEntries |
textEntry |
ownershipNote |
where textTypeID is 93 |
sql query
view: cs_previousowners (refreshed 2012-04-20)
SELECT CAST(o.objectID AS VARCHAR) objectID, x.constituentID previousOwner, x.remarks ownershipNote FROM ConXrefs x JOIN roles r ON x.roleID = r.roleID JOIN objects o ON x.ID = o.objectID WHERE x.tableID = 108 AND x.active = 1 AND o.IsVirtual = 0 AND o.IsTemplate = 0 AND lower(r.ROLE) IN ('original owner', 'previous owner', 'previous donor (to other museum)') UNION ALL SELECT CAST(o.objectID AS VARCHAR) objectID, NULL previousOwner, t.TextEntry ownershipNote FROM TextEntries t JOIN Objects o ON t.ID = o.objectID JOIN TextTypes tt ON t.TextTypeID = tt.TextTypeID WHERE t.tableID = 108 AND o.IsVirtual = 0 AND o.IsTemplate = 0 AND t.TextTypeID = 93 ;
- should Role field be imported? (it distinguishes "owners" from "previous donors")