Work Authority Requirements
Work Authority Requirements
A structured vocabulary containing authority records for cultural works, including (but not limited to) built works, movable works (e.g. paintings and sculpture), performing and performance art works, moving image works, and literature.
- Allow users to compile authorized terms or headings used by a single organization or consortium in cataloging, indexing, or documentation
- Establish the preferred name for cultural work
- Allow for the management of synonyms and related terms, including non-hierarchical "associative relationships" among authorities
- Allow users to create hierarchies within authority records
- Enable term control in procedural records and other authorities
- The authority should be compliant with ISO and NISO standards for thesauri (CDWA)
Standards, Guidelines + Use Cases
CONA, the Cultural Objects Name Authority
Library of Congress Title Authority
Definition and requirements from:
Spectrum Version 3.1
Created and Maintained by CollectionsTrust
, multiple selections available,