User Management - QA Test Plan
User Management - QA Test Plan
On this page
Test 0.1: Check that the Administrator user is properly displayed
- Actions:
- Login with full privileges
- Go to the Administration menu in the top navigation
- Go to the Users tab
- Expected:
- The Administrator user should be displayed on the list to the left
- Actions:
- Click the Administrator user
- Expected:
- The edit user form should be displayed
- The email address should be: admin@core.collectionspace.org
- Both the Email Address and Full Name fields should be read-only
- Full name should be Administrator
- The TENANT_ADMINISTRATOR role should be marked
Test 0.2: Check that the Reader user is properly displayed
- Actions:
- Login with full privileges
- Go to the Administration menu in the top navigation
- Go to the Users tab
- Expected:
- The Reader user should be displayed on the list to the left
- Actions:
- Click the Reader user
- Expected:
- The edit user form should be displayed
- The email address should be: reader@core.collectionspace.org
- Both Email Address and Full Name fields should be read-only
- Full name should be Reader
- The TENANT_READER role should be marked
User Creation
Test 1: Missing values on user creation
- Actions:
- Login with full privileges
- Go to the Administration menu in the top navigation
- Go to the Users tab
- Click the + Create New button
- Variation 1: Fill out all fields but Email Address
- Variation 2: Fill out all fields but Full Name
- Variation 3: Fill out all fields but Password
- Variation 4: Fill out all fields but Confirm Password
- Variation 5: Fill out all fields but Full Name and Email Address
- Click Save
- Expected:
- Save is disabled or Error message: (Field name) is required. Please enter a value.
- New user should not appear on list of users to the left
Test 3: Invalid email address on user creation
- Actions:
- Continue from Test 1
- Make sure Full Name, Password, Confirm Password are valid
- Variation a: In Email address field, enter: false@mail
- Variation b: In Email address field, enter: falsemail
- Variation c: In Email address field, enter: falsemail.test
- Click Save
- Expected:
- Save is disabled
- User should not appear on list of users to the left
Test 5: Non-matching Passwords on User Creation
- Actions:
- Continue from Test 3
- Make sure Full Name, Email Address are valid
- Variation 1: Fill in Password, leave confirm password blank
- Variation 2: Fill in Password, fill in something different in confirm password
- Variation 3: Fill in Confirm Password, leave Password blank
- Click Save
- Expected:
- Save is disabled
- User should not appear on list of users to the left
Test 7: Invalid Password Length on User Creation
- Actions:
- Continue from Test 5
- Make sure Full Name, Email Address are valid
- Variation 1: Write test123 in Password
- Variation 2: Write test123456789012345678901 in Password
- Click Save
- Expected:
- Error message: Password must be between 8 and 24 characters.
- Save is disabled
- Actions:
- Variation 1: Fill out the Password and Confirm Password fields with test123
- Variation 2: Fill out the Password and Confirm Password fields with test123456789012345678901
- Click Save
- Expected:
- Save is disabled
Test 9: Reverting Changes During User Creation
- Actions:
- Continue from Test 7
- Enter correctly formatted text in each of the fields in the User record
- Set Status to Inactive
- Click the box next to at least one role, in the list of Roles at right
- Click Revert
- Expected:
- Any text you've entered is removed and all of the text fields in the User record are blank
- The Status has reverted to Active
- No boxes are checked in the list of Roles at right
Test 11: Successful User Creation
- Actions:
- Login with full privileges
- Go to the Administration menu in the top navigation
- Go to the Users tab
- Fill in valid Email Address, Full Name, Password, Confirm Password
- Let Status be active
- Select at least one role for the user
- Click Delete
- Expected:
- The Delete button should not be present
- Actions:
- Click Save
- Expected:
- Save successful and user appears on list to the left
- Actions:
- Click user on list to the left
- Expected:
- User data should appear in the user details box
- All the data should be the same as entered earlier. Note: the Password and Confirm Password values will be hidden
- The role should match the one you set
- Actions:
- Click on the Sign out button in the top right
- Enter email and password of the newly created user
- Click the Sign in button
- Expected:
- Successful login, Search page displayed
User Editing
Test 15: Successful Edit of User
- Actions:
- Login with full privileges
- Go to the Administration menu in the top navigation
- Go to the Users tab
- Select the user you created in Test 13
- Expected:
- All fields but the User Id field in the User Details area should be active. The User Id field should be read-only
- Actions:
- Change Email Address, Full Name fields
- Change the roles assigned to user
- Click the save button
- Expected:
- The old Full Name should not be on list of users
- The new Full Name should be on list of users
- The user details should contain the changed values
- The newly selected roles should be selected
Test 17: Successful Deletion
- Actions:
- Login with full privileges
- Go to the Administration menu in the top navigation
- Go to the Users tab
- If there are no users on the list that you are comfortable deleting, create a new user according to steps in Test 11
- Click Delete
- Expected:
- Confirmation dialog should appear
- Actions:
- Variation 1: Click the Cancel button in the dialog
- Variation 2: Click the close symbol in top right corner of the dialog
- Expected:
- User should still appear on list of users
- User should still be selected and in edit mode
- Actions:
- Click Delete and Delete again in dialog
- Expected:
- User should no longer appear on list of users
- Text should appear that user was deleted successfully
- The user details area should not display details for any user
- Actions:
- Click the Sign Out button at the top right of the screen
- Fill in the username and password of the deleted user
- Expected:
- Error message: Sign in failed.
Test 19: Can user delete him/herself
- Actions:
- Login with full privileges (do not use the default admin account, create a new account if you need to)
- Go to the Administration menu in the top navigation
- Go to the Users tab
- Select the user you are logged in as, from the users list
- Expected:
- No Delete button should appear
Test 21: Allow User to Leave Page on Empty Fields on User Creation
- Actions:
- Login with full privileges (do not use the default admin account, create a new account if you need to)
- Go to the Administration menu in the top navigation
- Go to the Users tab
- Click + Create New
- Click the Search tab in the top navigation
- Expected:
- Taken to Search page, no warning message received
Test 23: Warn When Leaving Page After Unsaved Changes
- Actions:
- Login with full privileges (do not use the default admin account, create a new account if you need to)
- Go to the Administration menu in the top navigation
- Go to the Users tab
- Variation 1: Click + Create New, fill out at least one field, and tab or click out of that field
- Variation 2: Edit Existing user, change one field value, and tab or click out of that field
- Variation 3: Edit Existing user, change one or more roles
- Click anything that will remove you from the view of user you are editing (eg. Search menu, + Create New button, Another username from list, etc)
- Expected:
- Confirmation dialog warning of unsaved changes
Test 25: Cancel Functionality of Leave Confirmation Dialog on Unsaved Changes
- Actions:
- Continue from Test 23 with confirmation dialog open
- Variation 1: Click the Cancel button
- Variation 2: Click the close symbol at the top right of the dialog
- Expected:
- Dialog disappear
- User details should still be filled out
Test 27: Save Functionality of Leave Confirmation Dialog on Unsaved Changes
- Actions:
- Continue from Test 35
- Fill in valid Email Address, Full Name, Password, Confirm Password
- Click anything that will remove you from the view of user you are editing (eg. Search menu, + Create New button, Another username from list, etc)
- In the leave confirmation dialog, click Save and continue
- Expected
- You should be taken to the item/link you clicked
- Actions:
- Go back to Administration > Users tab if you left
- Click on the user
- Expected:
- New user should be on list
- The user should contain the new or edited user details you entered
Test 29: Revert Functionality of Leave Confirmation Dialog on Unsaved Changes
- Actions:
- Login with full privileges (do not use the default admin account, create a new account if you need to)
- Go to the Administration menu in the top navigation
- Go to the Users tab
- Click + Create New
- Fill in valid Email Address, Full Name, Password, Confirm Password
- Click Search menu in top navigation
- Click Revert and continue
- Expected:
- Dialog should disappear
- Actions:
- Return to the Administration > Users tab
- Expected:
- New user should not be on list
Activation and Deactivation
Test 31: Deactivation of User
- Actions:
- Login with full privileges (do not use the default admin account, create a new account if you need to)
- Go to the Administration menu in the top navigation
- Go to the Users tab
- Click a user you can edit from the list to the left
- Make sure you know the password for the user, create a new one if not
- Select Inactive from the Status drop-down at the bottom of the user details screen
- Click Save
- Expected:
- A successful saved message should appear
- Status should be inactive on user list to the left
- Actions:
- Click the Sign out link at the top right corner of the screen
- Attempt to login using deactivated user
- Expected:
- Error message: Sign in failed. Incorrect username/password
Test 43: Activation of User
- Actions:
- Login with full privileges (do not use the default admin account, create a new account if you need to)
- Go to the Administration menu in the top navigation
- Go to the Users tab
- Select an inactive user on the list to the left
- If no user is currently inactive, follow the deactivation of user test above
- Select active from the Status drop-down to the right
- Click Save
- Expected:
- A successfully saved message should appear
- Status should be active on the user list to the left
- Actions:
- Click the Sign out link at the top right corner of screen
- Attempt to login using activated user
- Expected:
- Successful login, Search page displayed
Test 45: User Cannot Deactivate Him/Herself
- Actions:
- Login with full privileges (do not use the default admin account, create a new account if you need to)
- Go to the Administration menu in the top navigation
- Go to the Users tab
- Click on the user you logged in as on the list to the left
- Expected:
- The status select-box should be disabled
- The delete button should be disabled
Search area
Test 51: Search area prerequisite
- Actions:
- login as administrative user
- go to collectionspace/ui/html/administration.html
- click + User (Create New User)
- In Email Address type: mailman@testmail.com
- In Full Name type: The Big Lebowski
- In Password type: secretpass
- In Confirm Password type: secretpass
- Let status be active
- click Save
Test 53: Successful user search
- Actions:
- If you haven't already, follow the steps in Test 51: Search area prerequisite (should only be done once)
- go to the user administration
- Variation 1: enter Big in the find area (test full word)
- Variation 2: enter big in the find area (test case sensitivity)
- Variation 3: enter big lebowski in the find area (test multiple words)
- Variation 4: enter bi in the find area (test partial match)
- Variation 5: enter the lebowski in the find area (test separate words)
- Variation 6: enter big le in the find area (test fragments)
- Variation 7: enter in the find area
- click find user
- Expected
- The user The Big Lebowski should appear on list of users
Test 55: Show All users button
- Actions:
- Continue from Test 53 (or login as administrative user, go to user administration pages)
- enter snth in the find area
- Expected:
- The user The Big Lebowski should not appear on list of users
- The Show all users button should be visible
- Actions:
- Click the Show all users button
- Expected:
- All users should be shown (including The Big Lebowski)
- Show all users button should disappear