Agenda: Wednesday, February 8th (Start time: 1:00pm)
1:00 to 2:30: Intro and discussion of current implementations, methods, and tools
Tell us about your deployment (a chance for big-picture introductions and context). Include how you do development, and the specific pain points in your development process.
University and Jepson Herbaria (10 mins)
: Core development team
on development process, development tools, source code repos, etc.
30 minutes of presentation and discussion, and 15 minutes of questions.Want to describe both how
- How central team uses and manages development tools
- How we use repos (SVN and GitHub), for core development.
- How UCB is managing source code for local work
- Models for implementers to manage their local code, and planning for code
- contributions
(3:15-3:25) break
How to create procedures and authorities (we know that you will want to create them so, we'll spend some time creating them together to help you get the hang of it)
Related Discussion and Documentation
Agenda: Thursday, February 9th (Start time: 9:00am)
Continued from Wednesday: How to create procedures and authorities (we know that you will want to create them so, we'll spend some time creating them together to help you get the hang of it)
CSpace + Localization (this conversation is on-going and needs a collective conversation to bring it to the next level)
Related Discussion and Documentation
Strategies for local and community extensions (comparing Strategies for local and community extensions
This will inform the discussion of how we do specific extensions, to be covered over the next few days.
- Comparing notes on how you have approached extensions
- What's coming with regard to the IMLS community of practice templates
- .
Takeaways Goals (takeaways that are critical to completion of IMLS grant include a ) include the following. Note that this session is an introduction to these topics - we will not complete all this in 90 minutes! We'll discuss this over the next few days, and will revisit these goals in subsequent sessions.
- A documented approach and set of clear steps for the mechanics of how to assemble the set of extensions that a museum would want to use to build their tenant.
- A framework/model and documentation for:
- where templates and extensions live
- how templates are discovered and accessed
- how templates are they integrated into local development
- how templates are documented and maintained.
- governance models for templates
Related Discussion and Documentation
How to create procedures and authorities (we know that you will want to create them so, we'll spend some time creating them together to help you get the hang of it)
Related Discussion and Documentation
Agenda: Thursday, February 9th (Start time: 9:00am)
Continued from Wednesday: How to create procedures and authorities (we know that you will want to create them so, we'll spend some time creating them together to help you get the hang of it)
CSpace + Localization (this conversation is on-going and needs a collective conversation to bring it to the next level)
Related Discussion and Documentation
Agenda: Friday, February 10th (Start time: 9:00am)